How to pick them (Not edited)

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I looked in to his eyes and stumbled back. What the hell happened to them? They were yellow? Like…YELLOW eyes?

He began to shake and I took a few steep back while gulping. He clenched his fist’s, but before I could see something else I saw right in to a black back. What the hell?

“Dude, back of” I heard Tyler say.

“Dude? Really dude?” I heard a familiar voice say.

“Is there a problem here?” I heard Stefan ask. I looked at him and he looked at me. Elena stood by him while holding his hand.

 “Hey. You calm down” I heard and then Damon and Stefan began to take him with them. I looked after them. What was I going to do?

“Do you want me to drive me there?” I heard Elena say. I just nodded. What happened to Tyler?

When we sat in the car I just sat and thought about what had happened.

“I know. About vampires” She said. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back. I had missed her. We have barely talked since school started and I felt like I had missed so much in her, Bonnie and Caroline’s life.

“So, Bonnie is a witch. Her gram’s was right all the time. Caroline and Damon “broke” up. Damon tried to eat her, but Stefan had vervain In her drink so he was really weak. He looked him up for a few hours and then let him out. I think he came to you after that” I looked at her. She smiled. “Stefan told me everything. Shore Damon drank some blood before he came to you, but I think he has a thing for you” She said smiling and nodding to herself. I rolled my eyes.

“So, are you going to sing sooon?” She asked.

“I…um Yeah. I’m going to sing in a wedding part at the grill in three months. I know I should have told you and I’m sorry. Do you want to help me find the perfect song? It’s for Meredith and Alex” I said.

Meredith asked me and she is one of my best friend and I just had to say yes. I stopped singing when our parents died, but I love to sing so I decided that would be my debuted. Since the whole town is invited to the wedding party, after the wedding.

“Yeah. I would love to help” She said while beaming at me. I smiled back and the rest of the ride went on in a comfortable silence.

When Elena drove up in front of the house we walked to the door. She knocked on the door and Stefy boy came and opened it. I just looked at the floor.

“So, what happened at the grill?” She asked him while walking by him. I followed her and looked around after any sign of Tyler.

“He isn’t here” I heard Stefan say. I turned around and looked at him while furrowing my eyebrows.

“Damon compelled him to go home and sleep it of” He said shrugging. I nodded and walked to the couch and flopped down. He had almost hit me. If Damon wasn’t there what could have happened? He looked so pissed at me. He could have hit me. Really hurt me. Like BIG time.

I blinked a few times at the hand in front of my face.

“What the FUDGE?” I yelled.

“Oh, there you are. I thought I had lost you. Come on. Elena is going to stay the night so like the nice man I am. I’m going to drive you home” I scoffed. Nice man? You tried to freaking eat my best friend. I wasn’t in the mood to say it out load, so I just nodded and stood up. We walked to his car and he drove. FAST. I laugh and he chuckled. I love to ride car’s that go fast. LOVE IT. Like really LOVE it.

“Well her is my place oh so nice man” I said jokingly. He smirked.

“To prove it I shall walk you to the door” He said while going out of the car. He used his vamp speed so he was on my side in no time. He opened my door and I got out.

“I’m aware of how to open a door you know” I said while pushing him lightly with my shoulder.

“I didn’t know” he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. When we were at the door I turned around and looked in to his eyes.

“Thanks” I said. He looked confused.

“For what you did with Tyler” I said while looking away. How could he get so mad? I get it. I hit him, but I’m not like the strongest girl alive. More like the weakest… He grabbed my chin and looked me in to the eyes.

“It was nothing” He said in a whisper. I got lost in his eyes and he inched a little closer. We were about to kiss when….

“Hi, Eirin. What are you…oh. I just… yeah. See you” I looked wide eyed at Jenna. She slammed the door. I looked back in to his eyes, but it looked like he… regretted it? I took a step back and looked at the door

“I’ll see you around”

“Yeah. See you” He answered. I walked inside and face palmed myself. He loved Katherine. She was under the church. I was almost shore that was the only reason he even was here. To get her out of there. I sighted and walked up to my room. I know how to pick them. One with rage trouble and one that love another woman.

I removed my makeup and brushed my mouth. I brushed my hair and had it in a braid. I lay down on my bed and I fell asleep. Thinking of how to find someone that I like that is normal.

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