Chapter 16 Suspicious

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  • Dedicated to Him<3

Crush On Mr. Bad Boy

Chapter 16 Suspicious

"Nice throw, nerd." I could recognize that voice anywhere.

Axel walked passed me, seeming oddly cheerful for his character. My heart fluttered like crazy as his grass green eyes shone with nothing but amusement. And as he walked pass me, he ruffled my hair playfully. Scientifically impossible, but I felt my heartbeat in my hair. I didn't want to wash my hair after that.

"See you tomorrow Rosie!" He called out as he exited the building.

"What a dick, who does he think he is? Touching you like that," Jaxon was pissed, but I was too focused on my hair which now smelled like Axel's hand. "I'm guessing that the book didn't hit him."

I nodded. "It hit the teacher."

"And what did he mean by 'see you tomorrow'?" he asked, as he brushed some of his flaming red hair away from his eyes.

I sighed. "I got another D.R."

His mouth fell to the floor.


He closed this mouth.

"I got two more D.R's."

His mouth hung open again. I shrugged and nodded.

"Yea..." I said casually as I put my hands in my pockets.

"You're not freaking out about this?" He asked in disbelief.

I shrugged. "Guess I passed that phase."

"How are you suddenly buddies with the school's biggest prick? And then, bam! You get two more discipline referrals?! What the hell!"


"No! This is not okay! You've turned into someone else!"

"I've become more confident! You should be happy for me!"

"But ruining your perfect behavior record?!"

"Jaxon! I'm not the same person I was a year ago. Everyone grows up, and I just happened to be later than anyone else."

"If you call getting in trouble growing up, then I don't know what to say."

"Jaxon, I've never gotten in trouble before. I've never experienced being yelled at by teachers or anything! It's my last year at high school. I want to experienced more things, whether they're good or bad. I want to know how it feels, and I want to remember the feeling Jaxon. I've been sheltered from so many things my whole life, I want to live a little."

He contemplated for a moment, before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "My little girl's growing up."

His vanilla breath brushed against my ear making goose bumps form on my back. I shook my head and leaned my head into his shoulder. It was a very comfortable position, and I didn't want to ever move away from it.

"The nerd got in trouble!" Layla's voice rang out in the hall.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I did not feel like dealing with her right now. Today was just not my day. Layla stood there with her arms crossed across her chest in her cheerleading uniform with her sidekicks' right behind her.

Her dark chocolate brown eyes were hard with a hint of something else I couldn't tell. She smiled cruelly at me with Jaxon's arm around me. Jaxon tensed beside me and pulled his arm off me. I suddenly felt oddly cold.

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