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Chapter Twenty-two

It was a short walk from the woods into the town square that was as quiet as night and covered in a soft blanket of snow. The two strolled leisurely over to the only diner as they engaged in small talk.

He noticed that she talked about her younger sister a lot and so he also shared a few choice words about his own siblings, opting to only divulge information that she wouldn't find 'weird'.

Inside the diner was warm and smelled like pastries and freshly brewed coffee instead of grease like you'd expect and as soon as they took a seat at one of the furthest tables from the entrance a middle aged server came over to their table with a cheerful smile on her face. Her hair was done up in a bun with a few stray tendrils framing her face. She removed a pen from where it was sticking out of her bun as she held her notepad ready to take their orders.

"What can I get you two lovebirds?"

Offenderman didn't hesitate to notice the tinge of pink that rose in Camilla's cheeks as she hastily ordered a sandwich. He ordered the same and as the server filled their water glasses and coffee cups then left his violet gaze drifted to her lips.

"Are you ready to continue guessing?"

She looked him over, accepting the challenge as she clasped her hands before her, resting her elbows on the table for support.



"Scott?" her tone was hopeful.

He shook his head, "try again."

She rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in defeat, "I thought you said it would be easy. I give up."

Without warning he reached over and grasped her small hands in his much larger ones. Her hands were cold and when she looked up at him she seemed to be captivated by his gaze, her heart racing in excitement.

"Don't give up just yet," he urged her on with a sly smile, deciding that he would not exhaust her patience and instead he would settle for the next name she guessed, be it one he liked or not.

She released a shaky breath and just then the sound of the bells jingling at the entrance of the diner rang out, signaling that new customers has arrived. He would not have been at all interested in that fact were it not for her immediate reaction, however.

A group of college-aged males were laughing amongst themselves as they sauntered into the room and he watched as her eyes went wide and she instantly tugged her hands free of his clutches, her face flushing and her heart rate picking up even more.

"Is there a problem?"

Since she was seated opposite him and facing the entrance, he followed her gaze to where she was staring, only to see three males approaching where they sat as they talked amongst themselves. One however seemed to be heading straight for them with a determined expression on his face.

Offenderman's violet eyes darkened significantly as the muscular human male took his place beside Camilla and wrapped an arm around her shoulder with no hesitation, the look in his eyes seeming to challenge Offenderman silently despite the fact that he was much larger by comparison.

The male pulled her closer to his body in an attempt to assert dominance and since she didn't object, Offenderman only slightly tilted his head. Did this mean what he though it did?

Whether she was involved with this human didn't matter to him in the slightest because the feeling that bubbled up within him almost had him growling in primal rage.

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