Food Brain

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Aphmaus POV

I decided I wanted to keep the pregnancy a secret incase something went wrong, I feel like the second everyone knows something is gonna happen. Im relaxing with Melissa on her couch while I eat basically everything I can "That baby is a hungry fucker" I nod taking another cookie "That and it has a sweet tooth" "Seriously Im eating nearly three times as much as I did with Lilith and like 5 times as much as I normally do and I still feel like Im losing weight not gaining" she shakes her head "That baby has it out for you" I nod "When I see the doctor Ill let her know shell probably tell me its normal and to just eat even more so I start gaining weight" "probably Im decently sure the doctors told mom that when she was pregnant with Aaron, typically the babies that end up having that Ultima trait eat ALOT" "So this is gonna have to be one Aarons around a lot" she nods "You cant just slap a blindfold on a trantrumed two year old so I would say so, that and a little trick mom did is she made it so Aaron loved sunglasses because she convinced him that he looked cute without them so he wore them everywhere" I laugh "Thats a smart trick" she nods "There's a lot of little tricks to hide your eyes its concerning especially since most kids dont use it because theyre an ultima" "Im hoping none of my kids gets into things like that" "Dont we all?" 

We hear the door ane Melissa goes to answer it as I get my stomach hidden in blankets. Melissa come over to me "Its Xavier is it alright if he comes in?" I nod "Yea thats fine" she lets him in and Melissa sits between us "Oh hey Aphmau" "Hello" "Hows the pregnancy?" Melissa looks at him shocked and I look at her remembering he knows "Its going fine now that I remember that Melissa" "I never told him" "Then how?" "You had two heartbeats it was a guess she didnt tell me anything, I noticed it last time we talked" "Ohhhhh" he nods and I glare at Melissa while she shrugs innocently knowing shes safe for now "So how far along are you?" I try to do the math but pregnancy brain gets in the way "Four months?" I look at Melissa and she sighs "Almost 3 months in a week or two" "Yea that" "Oh wow thats not that far" I nod "And please keep hush about it" he nods "Secrets safe with me" "Thanks" he nods "Hows Aaron dealing with it?" "Hes started acting a little weird but hes really excited" I see a huge grin happen on Melissas face and I look at her confused. She just shrugs it off as Xavier nods. "I should probably get back to Aaron before he comes to find Ive been eating sugar crap for the last hour" she laughs "Is on you about being healthy again" "With what the doctors said definitly" Melissa nods since I told her about everything but Xavier looks confused "I thought you said everything was fine" "Everything is fine theres just some complications" he nods "Well Ill get the door for you hold on" he gets up and gets the door for me "Thanks Bye Mel bye Xavier" "Bye Aph!!" "Bye" he closes the door behind me and I head back to the house. 


I get home and Aaron looks up from the TV "Well look who finally is home" "I was gone for two hours hush" I hear a little baby and I run over to the kitchen to see Lilith in the cabinets "What is Aaron letting you get into" I pick her up and close the cabinets "Im assuming Ein was tired of her" he nods "The doctors are saying since all the medications are finally started to build up in his system he's a lot more tired and fatigued so now shes back home" I kiss her forehead "Well Im glad mama missed you" she giggles and blows a rasberry. I sit down with her on the couch and she immediatly grabs onto the back of the couch and does her little bouncing thing while shaking her head. "So how was Melissa?" "She was good Xavier came over so I kinda left I like him and all but I have a weird feeling about him" he nods "Yea so do I"


Later that night we decide to take Lilith out to the beach with Zane since it isnt as hot or sunny. Zane and I sit on the chairs talking and catching up while Aaron plays with Lilith, that and he doesnt want me swimming. "So whats been going on with you?" he shrugs "Nana and I have started dating but thats about it" "Thats amazing!" he nods "What about you?" "Well uhm-" I look over at Lilith and Aaron and without thinking about it tell him "Im Pregnant" "Oh my god Aph Congrats!!" he pulls me up and hugs me "Thanks" he sets me down "You dont seem excited" "Theres a lot of compications" "What are they?" I tell him everything and he sits down looking at me with sad eyes "Aph Im so sorry" "Its alright just keep hush about it I feel like the more people I tell the more things are gonna go wrong" he nods "Of course if you ever need anything let me know, how along are you?" "In technicalities barely 3 weeks with the rate almost 3 months" "Wow" I nod "Hes been eating constantly because of it" "He?" "I feel like its a boy" he nods "If I remember correctly wasnt Lilth thought to be a boy" "Until I figured out it was twins" he nods "Plus I can mae sure you get some cupcakes with Mr Healthy over there" I laugh and I see Aarons ears perk up "Im keeping her and the baby healthy Zane leave it no cupcakes!" we both laugh, In reality Aaron lets me eat cupcakes and whatever I want especially with this pregnancy but still he wants to make sure I dont overdo it. 

I get a random sharp pain on my side and bend over wincing "Oh my god are you okay whats going on?" "Yea Im probably just cramping" "Ill go get Aaron" "No-" before I can say another word hes running over to Aaron and Zane takes over Lilith duty "Hey whats going on?" "I have a sharp pain on my side Im probably just cramping" "Ill call the doctor and have them look at you" "Aaron Ill be fine" he just looks at me sad and takes out his phone calling the doctor. 


About half an hour later Im being checked out in the room while the boys are downstairs with Lilith. "Well you look okay it seems the baby was just pinching you" "They can do that?!" "Not normal ones werewolf ones rarely its a lot more common in Ultimas because they can tend to be aggresive, they kick, pinch, even scratch if they get tiny claws" "They have claws?" "Can its rare, you need to make sure you tell me about any other pains they can be known to break ribs, rupture organs and many other things of the sort one was close to breaking a spine in half" "I feel like your goal is to scare me" "I wish but no its true your perfectly fine thankyou for calling me" 

I nod and she heads out as I get downstairs "So?" "Just pinching me?" Aaron looks worried and Zane just nods not realizing how destructive this baby can be. "Zane I think you might wanna go home Im sorry I worried you so much" "Yea I do have to head off but never feel sorry love ya" "Love ya" Aaron is unfazed that we say that knowing that we see eachother as family "She said I have to report any other pain cause apparently they can do so much damage to break a spine in half" I see him basically become paralyzed and stand there just staring at me "She said its rare" "So is everything else thats happened to you, your getting all the rare factors in this Im so sorry" he hugs me and I hug him back, he's blaming the fact that hes an ultima on this every issue we're having is from the fact that he's an ultima and he feels awful. "Aaron I dont blame you I dont blame your genes or your family you cant change any of it just like you said we can get through this together. Its a baby what more can it do?" 

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