Most Prized Possession - Niragi X Male! Reader (2/2)

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Summary: Niragi is a rich guy who likes to spend his money in interesting ways

*Niragi's POV*

"Your drink Niragi," Hatter cooed as he presented me with a light blue liquid in a tall glass. "Fuck off," I scoffed as I took the glass from him.

Hatter had moved me into a different room. This room was a bit smaller than the one where the cage that contained Y/N was. It had two chairs and a stage, up on the stage was a single pole.

Hatter and I were just sitting in the chairs enjoying our drinks. "Hatter, why the fuck did you bring me into this?" He turned to me, a stupid innocent smile painted upon his face. "Whatever do you mean Niragi?"

"What I mean is why show Y/N to me?" "Ah I see. Well, I showed him to you because I thought it would motivate you to win tonight's game." "But why do you want me to fucking win?"

"Because there is someone playing tonight that wants him and I don't want Y/N going to him." Hatter huffed as he placed his glass down. Suddenly the lights in the room dimmed down.

A single light above the stage was still lit. We both watched as a dancer walked onto the stage. It was Y/N. And I say walked, but it was more of a limp. Though I'd never show it, it hurt my heart to see someone so weak. This powerless.

Y/N grabbed onto the pole in the center of the stage. Though he was trying to hide how weal he really was, I could see that he was using the pole for support. He couldn't hold up his own weight.

"Y/N, can you put on a little show for our lovely guest?" Y/N didn't look up from the ground as the loud music filled the room. I watched silently as Y/N limped around the stage, trying his best to hold himself up.

Under the single light, I could see him a lot better than I could when he was in the cage. His upper body was covered in dark bruises and cuts. He ribs were pressing slightly against his skin making them visible.

And for a quick second our eyes met. His were filled with tears, pain, and regret. I knew that look all too well. Then without any warning and not to my surprise, Y/N collapsed. I watched as a couple guards hopped up onto the stage and dragged Y/N away.

"I'm so sorry about that Niragi. He hasn't been eating these last couple of weeks leading up to tonight." Hatter apologized to as he helped me up out of my seat and led me back out to the main floor where the rest of the guests were socializing.

"He hasn't been eating or have you been withholding food from him?" Hatter nervously laughed as he patted my back. "Of course not. That's crazy. Now run along and good luck tonight. You know what's at stake."

Jesus fuck this guy.

*Time skip*

And in one foul swoop, I had won. That was it. It was over. I took to the bar as I waited for everyone to vacate the club. I walked back to the same room that Hatter had taken me to first, the one with the cage.

Hatter was standing by the cage, a leash in his hand. I walked over to him and he handed it to me then unlocked the cage. "Go collect your prize Niragi." I walked closer to the cage slowly approaching the skinny boy laying on the ground.

"Hey Y/N. Remember me? I won. So you're mine now."

Y/N raised his head a bit allowing me to clip the leash onto the red collar that he was wearing. As we both stood up, Y/N stumbled and fell into me. I quickly caught him and helped hold him up.

I walked Y/N out to my car and drove home. Once there I detached the leash from Y/N's collar, setting him free. Almost intently, Y/N put as much distance between myself and himself.

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