Chapter 2- First day

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C H A P T E R  2

"Most people prefer for things to be black and white but sometimes we must settle for the colors in between"

Song-The less I know the better; Tame Impala


Last year was a rough year to say the least but today is the first day of school. I planned to wake up early enough to do my hair, pick out a cute outfit and have time to do my makeup.

Yeah.... that didn't work out.

Instead I woke up to Theo pouring water on me. I sat up with a gasp and immediately shoved him off of my bed onto the floor which he hit with a thud.

"What the hell was that for?!" I ask sitting up and ringing out my wet hair.

"Ow, I think you broke my rib" Theo rubs his side soothingly.

"Use Scotch tape, you'll be fine" I wave him off hopping off of my bed and helping him up.

"I've been trying to wake you up for an hour, I thought you went into a coma" Theo explains standing up and brushing off his pants.

"I wish, it'll be better than going to school" I comment walking to my closet and looking through it.

"You'll be fine, now come on. Cams going to be here in five minutes"

My eyes go wide as I quickly shove Theo out of the room so I can get dressed. I throw on a pair of high-waisted blue jean shorts with a cropped Arctic monkey t-shirt I got for my birthday last year.

I quickly put on a pair of white slip on vans that I painted sunflowers on. I run my fingers throw my loose curly- wavy hair to get out the knots from the night before.

Afterward I grab my backpack and slip my phone into my back pocket along with my earbuds quickly throwing on mascara and Red lipstick.

Well after last year most everyone in the school avoided me like I was some diesese. Everyone talked about me in horrible ways so I decided this year I'd give them something to talk about.

I hear the familiar honk of Cameron's red pick-up truck. When I walk outside I see Theo already in the front seat which meant I was stuck in the truck bed with Grayson and Connor.

There goes my hair.

I walk over to the rolled down window,flipping the two boys who snicker at me off, before getting into the trunk. The boys both greet me before knocking on the back window motioning for Cam to drive.

The cool breeze brushes my skin, my hair flows as we drive down the streets. The smell of autumn fills my nose and the different colors of fall trees blur together as we drive.

We slow to a stop and Theo opens the back window sticking his head out. "Can you go get Bri?"

I nod swinging out of the truck (and falling). I hope no one noticed but Cam snickers behind me. I walk up the cobble pathways to the quant yellow, cottage looking house.

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