Part 15. (Hospital Room)

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-4 Days Later-

I was walking to class after the bell rang. I was late. I knew I would most likely get detention. Out of know where I got kicked to the ground. I look up and seen Tory. She grabbed me by my hair and dragged me through the halls and out the school doors. I screamed and cried all the way. She placed me in the grass and grabbed a branch and beat me with it. I was sobbing and asking her to stop. She took the last hit to my face and completely nocked me out.

-A Few Hours Later-

I slightly opened my eyes to everything in slow motion. I seen a glimpse of Eli crying and looking down at me. He was running? I realized I was in a building. I looked to my side and seen my brother, mom and dad running and crying. Where was I being taken? I fell asleep again.

-A Few More Hours Later-

I woke up in a unfamiliar room? I was in the hospital? I looked and seen that I was in a hospital bed. I tried getting up but automatically screamed. I was in pain, my stomach was hurting. I felt someone come next to me. It was my mom. She rubbed my forehead.

Mom: Shh. Lay down. - She said and I did. I looked at her, tears in my eyes.

Mom: You never told me? - She asked softly.

Y/n: I was scared. - I said. She nodded and smiled.

Mom: It's okay. Just don't have another one.

Y/n: How did I get here anyways? - I asked. She looked down a frowned.

Mom: Eli found you laying on the ground bleeding everywhere. He said you were nocked out. - She said almost in tears.

Mom: Who did it? - She asked. 

Y/n: Tory. - I said simply. She nodded.

Mom: Mrs. LaRusso said that she got Tory suspended. - She said. I rolled my eyes.

Y/n: You really think that will stop her? - I asked. She frowned.

Y/n: Where's the others? - I asked. 

Mom: They're all in the waiting room. - She replied. I nodded.

Y/n: Can I see Eli? - I asked. She nodded and walked out. She soon came back in with Eli. Eli looked at me and smiled. He walked over to my side.

Y/n: Mom? Can we have a minute? - I asked and she nodded. Before she could walk out Eli spoke..

Eli: How's you and my baby? - He asked. My mom snapped her head towards us. She. Was. Pissed.

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