Just for Today

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Ice Cream or Cotton Candy?
Short chapter srry

Wednesday, July 16
Belle's POV

"Don't you have work to do?" I asked Roman who was practically on top of me in the net hammok that hung over the water. I was trying to read but that was to no avail. I hated how he's seeming to cling to me ever since we got here when he's not working. It was even more aggravating that I was only in my bathing suit which also a two-piece

"Yes but I've spent the last five days of what is supposed to be our break in front of a computer screen

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"Yes but I've spent the last five days of what is supposed to be our break in front of a computer screen. I'm tired." He sighed, pulling the book from my hand. "Wha-" I began but was cut off. "Stop it Aribella, enjoy the Augusta sun and get your nose out of the book." He argued.

"Then what do you want me to be doing Roman?!" I shouted, reaching for my book again. I was at the best part and didn't remember my page number. "You're supposed to be spending time with me not fictional characters." He huffed like a child. "I prefer fictional." I mumbled under my breath, shoving him off of me.

I got off of the hammock and walked down the steps that lead straight into the clear blue water. Roman wasn't far behind me and I went down as far as to where the water touched my shoulders, usually the thought of being this deep in the water would terrify me but the water was so clear it was impossible to be scared.

"Hey," Roman called from behind me, I turned around and saw him swimming towards me so I just stayed in place. I raised my eyebrows in question and waited for him to get to me. "I'm not that bad Belle." He stated almost sadly. "I never said you were, I only said that given the choice I'd rather be reading." I smiled jokingly. I swam over and put my arms around his neck so I could stop kicking my legs. Whether I hated him or not, I don't like to see people sad.

He seemed surprised at my actions but not bothered. I felt his arms on my waist but if they went anywhere else I would knee him in his family crests. I will admit, since the 'wedding' me and Roman have gotten a bit closer, were at least more civil with each other, he's not a brooding jerk and I'm not...as mean.

"Hang out with me today?" He asked quietly since we were less than a foot away from each other. "Why?" I asked, slouching slightly. I moved my feet back and fourth slowly, loving the feel of the water on my legs. "Because the moment we get back we won't have a spare moment together." He said, pulling me closer.

My eyes narrowed for a second, "And why is it crucial that we spend time together?" I asked him, "Well if were going to be married to each other for the next few months I guess we should spend some time with each other." He said smartly. "I don't think we need to." I said, dragging out the word need. "And why not?" He asked.

"I don't know, makes things much more simple I guess." I told him before creating a distance between us and beginning to swim. I loved the feel of the water on my skin, the feeling of floating was amazing. I never really got to swim much, let alone in the ocean so I wasn't going to take it for granted. Everyday first thing in the morning since we've been in Augusta until I began to physically prune, I was in the water.

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