Doctor Knows Best

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The doctors were gone. The intrusive nurses left with their multitudes of needles and vials of my sons blood. They all flooded out of the room in one storm. None of them acknowledged me as they rushed past. Instructions were barked from one to another as two nurses hastily scrawled them down on charts.

I had been left alone in the empty hallway. The walls rang with the sounds of their footsteps. Swallowing, I ripped the door open, letting it slam against the wall as I entered. A single chair had been discarded between the two beds and I stumbled towards it. My limbs were weak, the exhaustion weaving down my veins to drain away my strength. Slumping into it, I hung my hands between my legs.

They were still unconscious. The light beeping of both machines was a constant whirl around the room. It was melded with the loud whiz of the oxygen that was being pushed into their bodies.

"Ryan, Damon," I groaned, lowering my head to stare at the floor. "What should I do?"

Helplessly, my hands folded into fists before releasing. This move was repeated numerously as I raised my head and looked from one young boy to the other. My fingers trembled, the small hairs prickling upright along my arm. This shouldn't be happening, it couldn't be. Today was their birthday. They were supposed to be opening presents dressed as Batman and Spiderman. Not here, hooked up to machines as if they were about to take their last breaths.

Please, please if there is anyone up there at all...please save my sons.

The prayer rose useless to the heavens from my mind and I whimpered, fisting my hands into my hair. Tears slipped from my eyes and splashed against the floor. Useless. I was useless. They needed me and I couldn't do anything.

Trembling now, the chair scraped across the floor as I rushed to my feet. The world swirled around me for a moment before I dragged my feet closer to Damon's bed. Leaning over, I traced my fingers down his forehead to his chin. They came away wet with sweat.

"I'm here, baby boy, Mommy's here," I whispered, blinking rapidly as I leaned closer to press a kiss to his forehead. Tubes were in his nose, forcing the oxygen into his body while more were coming from his chest where they monitored his heart rate. Never before had my boys appeared as fragile as they did now.

Turning, I moved to Ryan and patted his hair before gently caressing his cheek. His lips parted as he inhaled slightly and I leaned in, thinking he'd wake. Instead, he coughed. The noise wasn't like one I'd heard from him before. It sounded wet as if something was lodged in his throat but he couldn't dislodge it. It lodged in his throat and I watched his body struggle to remove it as he gagged, chest heaving once before he fell silent.

"It's ok, sweetie, I'm here," I mumbled, swallowing as I pressed my lips to his temple, ignoring the heat radiating from him.

A loud ringing sounded just then and I jerked upright. There was no one around but the sound continued. Glancing to the chair, I frowned when I noticed my bag wasn't there. Where had I-?

Rushing out to the hallway, I found it neglected against the wall and quickly grabbed it. In my troubles of everything happening, I'd forgotten it. Seated back in the chair with my boys, I fished through my bag and found my phone.

A single notification glowered up at me. An email. One I'd been receiving once a year, for the past five years on this date. Frowning, my eyes swept over my sons before opening the email.

Dear Alyssa,

A lodgement has been made into your account on my behalf for your sons.

Hope young Ryan and Damon have a happy birthday.

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