Dinner Drama

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The words wrapped around my mind, swirling in my thoughts as they drifted through my body. I sat there, the cold seeping through the floor and into my skin as it wrapped up and coiled around like a physical force lurching towards my stomach before it slipped inside and tightened around my insides.

They took my sons because of Dean. They took my boys because of this man that was never in their life. All because he wasn't human. All because of that night.

I stood slowly, knees buckling slightly before the door opened and in walked another female. Her eyes darted from me to the mess left on the floor before she quickly curled her lips into a scowl. The putrid stench of vomit had numbed my nostrils, but I glowered back and shoved her aside as I stumbled to the door.

"Oh dear, Alyssa?!"

Melinda's voice trailed after me, soon accompanied by the scuttle of her feet as I marched through the halls. The same words were a mantra in my mind. They took Damon and Ryan because of Dean.

It was his fault! He was the reason they were suffering. All him!

My thoughts were a summons and I stumbled upon Dean with the other men, or Alpha's in a dining room setting. They were perched around the tables, mouths and hands occupied with dinner while I'd been left to come to terms with everything in another room?!

"The fuck?!" The snarl ripped from my throat as I stopped at the head of the table and my brows furrowed together. "Are you all fucking kidding me?!"

"Alyssa!" Melinda hissed as she skidded to a stop beside me. Her hands lashed out and curled around my biceps as she tried to usher me back from the table. As my eyes skewered over the men, I picked out new, older faces among them. One man with a short bread sprinkled with white glanced from Dean to me before smiling slightly.

"You are eating fucking steak while my sons are missing! You son of a-!"

"Finish that sentence and you will regret it," Dean snapped back rising to his feet. Lyon groaned softly and pushed his dinner away so that he could rest his elbow on the table and drop his head into his hand.

"You're right," I muttered gently moving away from Melinda. "It would be harsh of me to call your mother a bitch when the only problem is you. You asshole! My sons are out there in the hands of some bastard wolves and here you are having a fucking gathering with mates?!"

"Alyssa, calm down and hav-" Jared began but my hand whipped out and suddenly there was a glass flying at his head.


My scream was more of a battle cry as it echoed around the room, no doubt reverberating down the whole building. Melinda gasped behind me while all the men around me tensed, fingers dug into arms of chairs and I trembled. Dean's face contorted as he appeared to be torn between shouting back or just ripping me apart. The older man beside him pursed his lips, his deep blue eyes swirling silver as he gazed to his son.

Melinda's hand was tentative on my shoulder, hesitant first before she firmly gripped my arm once more. "Dearie, please. We will find them."

"Why were you the one to tell me?" I snapped, twisting my neck to pin her with my gaze. Her lips parted but her eyes darted behind me to her son. "Why was it you there when I woke? Why was it you that told me why my sons were gone and not your son?! Why is he too coward to tell me the truth!"

Bright eyes shot back to me and wrinkles defined her soft skin as she glowered back. "Now listen here, Alyssa. Dean is-."

"Alpha," I spat jerking from her touch. "Yet he needs his mammy to talk to the mother of his children?! How fucking pathetic!"

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