Chapter 3- Art

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C H A P T E R 3

"Seven billion people experienced today in a different way"

Song- Can I call you tonight; Dayglow


"Camybear!" A annoying shrill voice I hoped to never hear again rings through my ears. A blur of brown hair rushes past us and jumps into Cams arms basically attacking him.

Their lips connects and I'm mildly disgusted.

Okay, very disgusted.

They look like 2 sloths during mating season. Gross.

"Wouldn't this be considered cannibalism, since they're eating each other's faces off" I grimace turning to my friends who watch with the same amount of disgust.

"Okay, stop it. I don't want to be an uncle just yet" Theo taps on Cams shoulder. They pull apart and Serena gives my brother a dirty look. Bri and Miles grab my arm stopping me from lunging at her.

Serena's eyes scan over the group landing on me. Her thin lips curl up into a snarl. "Oh you still go here? I'm surprised your mom hasn't sent you away yet"

"And I'm surprised your 20 dollar face lift hasn't fallen yet" I retort. She gasps looking to Cameron for support but he just looks away. Asher, Theo and Addie all laugh outloud. Miles snorts quietly and Bri bites her lip to hide her smile.

"Babe! Are you going to let this bitch say that about me" She whines in a high pitched voice.

"What did you say?!" Addie takes a step forward ready to punch her at any moment.

Addie is the type to never back down from a fight. She never lets anyone insult her friends without leaving with a black eye. I grab her wrist to hold her back subtly.

"I saw what someone wrote on your locker, so sweet of them to put your name on it so it's easier to find" she smirks evilly. I see Cams jaw clench as he glances at his girlfriend.

"Oh you little-" Addie starts to go towards her but Bri and I hold her back.

"It's fine Addie, I wouldn't want you to waste your energy on her" I say starting to walk away. Everyone follows me. Serena grabs Cams hand.

"Where are you going?" She asks looking angry.

"Um class" He says blatantly giving her a goodbye kiss and walking away. I glance back and see her watching in shock as a few of her friends come up behind her.

He meets up with the rest of my group giving me a smile but I ignore him stubbornly marching into the class. When him and Serena first started dating I ignored him for two weeks and only talked to him again because he stole Charlie from me and wouldn't give him back.

I spot Sara sitting behind her desk typing on the computer. She looks up at us and smiles, standing up and walking around to give all of us a hug.

First Asher, then Addie, after that she kissed Miles cheek and hugs Bri. She looks at Cam, Theo and I and says "you're late"

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