Chpt 8

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A/N: This... Haha.. well.. dont kill me allycat :)

Alices POV

We're all sitting at the biggest booth in what Louis thinks is "The Finest Restraunt in all of Chicago", or for short, a nasty McDonalds playland. Of course Kate LOVED it. Bekah and Zayn somehow had dragged Haemin down here too, so Liam and I decided that it was a good time to announce to everyone that we were going to be together. Also we decided that we might tell them about how the Mayans were wrong. The end of the world wasnt in December 2012 its actually in about six months. I really don't want to have to tell them. Id rather kill it and be done with it. Just saying man. But since Liam used his puppy dog eyes on me, he convinced me to keep it. I mean, this might sound weird and all but its like i couldnt say no, for a bigger reason than the face he was making. It was like a part of me wanted to have Liam help me raise this kid. Even if it is ugly and gross, man.

"May I take your order?" Niall had made a makeshift waiters outfit out of napkins and had taken a notepad from their hotel and a pen out of Bekahs purse. What a freak. I dont see what Kate likes about him so much!

"Oh yeah I'll have the ...Hm.." Kate started to run her finger tips through her imaginary mustache. "Well, what do YOU suggest, Mr Waiter?" Aw, how juvenielle their flirting is. BARF.

"I'll surprise you!" He said back to her with a wink. The rest of us took forever to figure out what to have and so we all just ended up getting breakfast burritos. Yum. Not. We're all gonna get so fat man, so fat.

"Ahem!!" Liam said, clearing his throat. Uh oh, here it goes. And let the drama start .... "Alice and I are.." Now. "A couple!" He shot a smile towards everyone that could light up an entire city.

"What?!" Harry managed to choke out through a mouthfull of burrito. He spewed it onto the table and jumped up from his side of the booth and run over to us, engulfing us in a big hug. "Congratulations you guys!"

"Well THAT escalated quickly!" Kate yelled witha grin.

"EW! People! Get off of me!" I pushed Harry away and he just looked at me then back at Liam and starte to laugh.

"Yep, shes a keeper all right mate." We all heard the sarcasm in his voice, but Liam just leaned over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"i know." He said with a grin, and then he kissed my forehead.

"Get a room!!" Sam laughed and threw a piece of tortilla at my face.

"Shutup Punk! And dont waste food! Maybe Bekah's family in Mexico needs it!" We both cracked up into laughter as Zayn turned to face Bekah.

"You have family in Mexico?" He asked her in all seriousness. That made Sam, Kate, Haemin and I all laugh extremey loud. Bekah blushed.

"NO!! .. Well YEAH but ... well..! " She stuttered and he pressedd his finger to her lips.

"Shhh... Haha its okay Bekah. " Aw isnt the air full of love? Sickening. "That reminds me! Bekah and I are together now too!" He smiled and Bekah gave him a look, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"We are?" She asked him.

"Well we are if you want to be. You dont have to agree." Zayn gave her a worried look. As if he were worried she , BEKAH GODWIN,, would reject the love of her life.

"I guess that we are dating!" She exclaimed and he pulled her in for a kiss.

"Ew, sick! " I laughed and threw Liam's jacket over their heads.

"Hey! Alice thats mine! " He poked my cheek and so i automatically puffed them up, filled with air. "Haha, youre so cute." then he leaned in closes towards my ear and whispered. " Are you ready to tell them?"

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