Chapter 1/Kings Cross

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I woke up knowing it was a week before I started at Hogwarts. I heard Tonks voice calling me downstairs for breakfast I smelt the eggs from upstairs. I went to the bathroom quickly and ran downstairs I saw Remus reading his newspaper. "Ready to go to Diagon Alley to get your stuff Lana?" I respond saying "Yes super excited I'm going to Hogwarts in a week". Which I was really excited not lying I sat down thinking about what wand would I get and everything. I was so focused on the fact that I am going to Ollivanders  I didn't realize that Tonks put the egg in front of my face " What are you thinking about Lana eat your eggs we have to go to Diagon Alley quickly take your time but they're going to get cold" said Tonks. "Yeah sorry I was just excited because well I'm going to get a wand everything I'll eat now". I finally ate the eggs and got dressed up. I called Remus to tell him I'm ready " Remus Remus I'm ready can we go now Tonks". I saw Tonks put on her shoes and hand me some floo powder I asked "Where's Remus" when Tonks said " He's coming". I take the floo powder and appear at Diagon Alley as I see Tonks and Remus behind me. They got me my wand which was Unicorn Core Hair. I got an Owl as an animal I got everything my robe and every book on the list.

1 Week Later 

My brain was too exhausted to wake up but I had the best dream about how I'm going to finally meet Harry too and Ron. I got up excited to go to Hogwarts my adrenaline was pumping. After I used the bathroom I went downstairs to see Remus looking at me in a way he never looked at me before." When you meet Harry tell him everything poor boy I'm glad you know" said Tonks but Remus gave her a stern look and said " What are you telling her. No absolutely not he'll find out when the time is right. She shouldn't be the one to say" Tonks gave a quick reply and said" No honesty always comes first it's his life, their life you know what I mean Remus their not babies anymore". I looked at them in a strange way to let them know that everything will be okay I thought in my head a way to make it seem in a non sensitive way that I know and understand " I know, I'm going to tell Harry he has to know he has to know I'm his sister that his parents didn't die in a car crash and everything else" Remus had a sad but understanding look on his face I felt at that moment I knew what he was going to say " I know you should tell him it's just this happened way to fast I love you Lana and I love Harry too will you tell him that for me" Tonks looked at Remus and hugged him and said " for us tell him that for us I love him too I also love you now glad we got this over with Remus take her stuff to the car we'll come just give us a second".  Remus nodded and went. 

"Where'd this car come from" was the first thing I said to Tonks. " Arthur Weasley let us borrow his. Anyways you've grown very fast I love you so much more than you know. I may not be your mother but I will always be I don't know how to say it there for you and all that when we went to Diagon Alley I bought you this necklace it's a picture of you, Remus, and me" said Tonks. I felt a tear down my cheek as I hugged her " You may not be my mother but you are my family I love you and this bracelet" we went to the car and sat down.

At Kings Cross

I got through the platform I hugged Tonks and Remus and got on the train and saw Ron. "Ron Ron I missed you oh you're Harry" I saw Harry was going to say something but Ron spoke first " Hi Lana yeah this is Harry go ahead speak now". A girl stopped by at the train doors or whatever you call them she was in her robe she was really pretty "May I please sit here if you don't mind all the seats are taken my name is Hermione Granger" I smiled and said "Of course". "Oh my god your Harry Potter and you must be Lana Potter but who are you" she said with a confused face looking at Ron. " Oh my name's Ron Weasley" she looked at Harry's broken glasses "Your glasses are broken Harry let me fix them Oculus Reparo" Hermione said and his glasses went from broken to back to normal. "Well now that we are all sitting no more interruptions and the train is moving" but I got cut off as I saw Malfoy walk by and say "Family Issues there don't suppose you might tell clueless Harry Pottah everything oh well seeing the red hair you must be a Weasley too I'm going to sit back down talking to you makes me lose brain cells" he walked away. Ugh Draco Malfoy my sworn enemy he's a spoiled brat. " When Hermione said you must be Lana Potter what did she mean I am a Potter" said Harry. 

I cleared my throat nervous I was but I spoke " Listen Harry carefully I've been waiting my whole life to tell you this. I am Lana Potter your sister. Harry 11 years ago our parents died because Voldemort had killed them" Ron cut me off and gasped "What how did you say his name say you know you". I gave Ron the look and said " Ron you've known me since we were kids you know I'm not going to say you know who I'm not scared of him. Anyways our parents Lily and James Potter died saving us our dad was fighting him wandless which showed such a coward he was and our mom she sacrificed herself for us she put a protection spell to protect us. When parents died our godfather went to Azkaban for their murder which he didn't rat them out it was someone else but we can talk about that later. So we couldn't live with our godfather who is Sirius Black so we had to live with our Mom's sister which is Petunia Dursley I believe" Harry looked at me and said "Yeah that's her name but then why didn't you live with me".

 "Harry that's what I'm about to tell you so Hagrid picked both of us up and he left leaving us on their doorstep but Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Dumbledore  waited to see well how they would react. Anyways the Dursleys opened the door to see two babies Petunia knew that there was someone was still there or that someone would come back she wrote a note saying how she doesn't want us but she'll take Harry only one or none and left me on the doorstep back at Hogwarts they didn't know what to do with me but Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks were willing to adopt me so I lived with them till this day I've been dying to meet you and to tell you this and for you to meet me so" I felt as if I saw Harry confused and with happy tears in his eyes forming as he was trying to make sure they wouldn't come out and they didn't I hugged Harry. "Do you have nothing to say Harry". 

After five minutes I saw Harry's mouth opening "Wow I can't believe it I actually have a sister I can maybe have an actual person that cares about me and well stuff like that."  with all that Harry said with caring almost made me cry "Harry not maybe of course I'll care you're my brother I love you. You can tell me anything I'll always help you and well stuff like that I don't want to get to cheesy.". I saw a smile upon Harry's face he hugged me and I felt safe and happy. "So Lana who's older me or you?" I thought for a second confused then I remembered and laughed "Oh sadly you are, you were born a minute before" I saw Harry with a smirk on his face "So we're technically twins I'm so glad I'm older no offense". " No offense taken Harry yes we are twins.". 

 After laughing and talking and getting to know each other we finally reaching Hogwarts we entered the Great Hall 

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I were sorted into Gryffindor. The Weasleys were already sorted into Gryffindor since well they were here from before. I met a lot of people like Oliver Wood and Neville Longbottom and so many more Gryffindor's. While the other kids I also met were Hufflepuff's, Slytherin's, and Ravenclaw's and Malfoy was a Slytherin and Hannah and Susan were Hufflepuff's and so on. Just in one year I already made an enemy Draco Malfoy but to be honest I despised him from before. 

Have a good day! Hope you liked it!






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