Chapter 51

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(Cooler): Super saiyan? HAHAHAHAHAHA! so your race went from turning into large monkey to now suddenly having glowing spiky hair? What a joke!

Cooler powers up and files right at you to deliver a strong right-handed punch but he quickly pulls his punch and uses his left hand to fire off a blast on you.

(Cooler): No matter what kind of transformation your race goes through, you are all noting but apes!

Cooler continues the attack by firing multiple ki blasts from both his hands at you which makes large explosions each time.


Cooler continues his ki blast barrage until he eventually stops and hovers there to see the result of his attack but as the smoke cloud disappears a figure is seen in the cloud and sure enough when the cloud goes away you are standing there with just little bit of damage.

(Cooler): What!?

(Y/n): Is that the best you can do?

You vanishes and appear in front of cooler which surprises the large alien and a second later you land a hard knee to cooler's stomach.

(Cooler): GA!......BASTARD!

Cooler with a large amount of force lands a solid right handed punch to your face which does move your head abit but as you slowly look back at cooler while his large fist is still connected with your face with no damage on you what so ever.

(Cooler's mind): I-Impossible I put most of my strength behind that punch!


You raise your left hand into the air and with immense speed you slap cooler right across the face which leaves a nasty hand print on him and also send him flying down through many forms of ice until the alien stops himself.

(Cooler): Damn you!............DAMN YOU!

You smile at the alien with a cocky grin as you cross your arms.

(Y/n): I won't kill you just yet.....I want to make sure you feel every single bit of my anger towards your brother.

Meanwhile with winter and crystal as they are healing luna but while they are trying to do this a  large amount of aliens forms up behind them with their blasters ready.

(Small orange alien): We have you now!

(Crystal): Winter could you keep healing our daughter while I deal with this lot?

(Winter): Go right ahead.

Crystal lets out of luna, stands up and slowly turns to face the large group of aliens.

(Crystal): Because of you bastards and your army my daughter is in that state.....

Crystal places both her hands onto the ground and just like before a large ice creature forms out from the ground although it is smaller than the last one a good bit behind her which makes cooler's army look on in fear.

(Crystal): I will make sure not one of you get off this planet......NOT ONE!

The ice monster lets out a thunderous roar as it as it leaps over crystal, winter and luna and flattens a group of aliens with's large feet and quickly starts swiping them into the air with it's large hands.

(Green alien): WHAT IS THAT THING!?

(Red alien): J-JUST SHOOT IT!

The aliens attack the ice monsters with their blasters but it simply does not faze the beast as it clenches it's right hand and punches down on a group of aliens which kills them instantly.

Unrivaled Fury - Low Class Saiyan x Female Saiyan HaremWhere stories live. Discover now