chapter 39. smuggling.

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"I take it the rebels have Dooku's full attention," Obi-Wan says as a hologram of Ahsoka, seemingly in the middle of a battle, appears on the holotable before us and Anakin.
"It's a full-scale war. They need our help. Please talk to the Council," Ahsoka pleads.
"Even Master Windu would be wary at this point," Obi-Wan tells her. "The Council will not engage or involve the Republic in an internal affair."
"The Separatists have a new gunship with a powerful ray shield," Ahsoka informs us. "Nothings getting past it."
"I am sorry, Ahsoka. They will have to find a way. Do not stay there if their failure is certain. Evacuate who you can and return to Coruscant immediately. Do you understand?" Obi-Wan says.
"Yes, Master," she replies as she ends the call.
Anakin turns to Obi-Wan. "We need to help them."
"We will do what we can to relocate the survivors," Obi-Wan tells him.
"Before they lose their planet," Anakin says.
Obi-Wan shakes his head. "We can't."
"What difference does it make now? The Separatists know we're involved." Anakin begins to pace.
"I don't disagree with you, Anakin, but to send in Republic gunships defeats our purpose. We must stay true to our intentions, learn our lessons."
"...It doesn't have to look like we're the ones helping." Anakin turns back around to Obi-Wan and I and begins pacing again. "What if another party was involved?"
"Another party? Who in the galaxy would be running around with an extra batch of missles?"
A grin breaks out onto my face. "Oh, I know exactly who."
"Oh dear."
Anakin turns around with a smirk, and we speak in unison. "Hondo."
"I was afraid you'd say that," Obi-Wan mutters.
"No, really, Master, this could work," I tell him.
"Arlo and I will go to Florrum," Anakin says. "Arlo obviously has connections with him, so maybe he'd be more willing to do it if she's there."
"He'd be willing to do it as long as he gets paid. And not in credits," I remind Anakin.
"Right, right. Anyway, once he agrees to it, Arlo will go with him to deliver the supplies to Onderon, then she'll meet me back on Florrum."
"And why does Arlo specifically have to deliver them, and not you?" Obi-Wan questions.
"Because if he tries to pull any funny business, she would know how to stop him."
"Have a little faith in him, Anakin. If you pay him right, he'll do his job," I say.
Obi-Wan sighs. "Very well, then."
"I'll go prep our ships, then," Anakin says as he leaves the room.
"Are you sure you're up for this, little one?" Obi-Wan asks as he puts a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry about me, Master. I'll be with Hondo."
"And that's exactly why I worry. But that's not why I'm asking, it's just that you haven't really gone off on your own, since, you know. I just want to double check that you're completely ready."
I sigh. "I mean, I am a little nervous. But at least I won't be completely alone, I'll be with someone I semi-trust. And besides, I turn 16, in like, a week. And I feel like after all of our talks about it, I'm ready. I need to stop acting like a child."
"Quit saying you're acting like child."
"Was I not?"
"I think it was a normal reaction. Either way, I'll miss having you follow me around like a porglet. I enjoyed having you around more than usual, little one."
I laugh. "You're full of it. I know you're sick of me."
"I could never get sick of you. Now run along. I have to wrap your birthday present before you get back."
"What'd you get me?" I ask excitedly.
"Nothing big, like usual. Now go, you have somewhere to be, my Padawan. Don't turn into a pirate while you're away, and make sure absolutely no one outside of them and the rebels see you."
"Got it, Master. No promises about the pirate part, though."
He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Oh, maker."

We fly into the unwelcoming atmosphere of Florrum. Anakin lands before me and starts towards Hondo while I land Obi-Wan's starfighter next to Anakin's.
"I'll be back in a bit, R4. Thanks for the lift," I tell the red astromech as I exit the ship.
"Skywalker, my old friend. You come alone?" I hear Hondo ask.
"Just with me!" I call over as I walk out from behind Anakin's starfighter. I jog over to the two of them.
"Ah, Arlo, m'dear! Always good to see you," Hondo says. "Anyways. Why're you here?"
"For your service," Anakin answers.
"Oh, business! Good, good, good. That I understand," Hondo says.
"I need you to make a delivery for me," Anakin tells him.
Hondo laughs. "And that all I am to you, Jedi? A delivery boy?"
"I know that if I need arms shipped illegally, you're the man I need to come to," Anakin says.
"Illegally?" Hondo gasps. "Now, why would a Jedi need to deliver arms illegally?"
"How about I pay you well enough that you just deliver the missiles for me and don't ask any questions?"
Hondo laughs loudly as he pushes the lizard monkey off his shoulder. "Well, as long as you're not paying me in credits, I'm sure I could accommodate your wishes, Master Jedi."
"Good. Arlo will come with you to see to it that these missiles are shipped safely," Anakin tells him.
"What, you do not trust me? As long as you pay correctly, I will do my job, my friend."
"That's exactly what I told you," I mutter to Anakin.
"You're lucky I like her, Skywalker, because if you made any other child tag along with me, I would say no deal!"
"I'll be waiting for when you return," Anakin tells me.
"Come on, then, kiddo, I'm going to teach you how to be the smuggling pirate I always knew you could be!" Hondo says, waving me along. Anakin and I share a look, then I follow him, closely followed by a few members of his crew.
"Did you ever think maybe I didn't want to be a 'smuggling pirate'?" I question.
"Well, no. But your father gives us a bad name. Someone needs to get a grip on that crazy. He makes my business so much harder than it has to be, and I don't even work with him anymore! It's outrageous! Now, say, where's my old pal Kenobi?"
"Back on Coruscant."
"Didn't want to join in on the fun? What a shame."
"Yeah, Jedi business, I guess. And apparently wrapping my birthday present."
"Oh, yes, that's soon, is it not? Well, in honor of this not-so-momentous occasion, I can either offer you a 16 drinks or 16% off spice. Get it? 16? Ha! Your pick."
"You know... I think I'm good, Hondo, but, uh, thank you."
"Oh, yes, of course, m'dear. Just don't ask again until next year now. Now, what kind of arms are we thinking, and when am I getting paid?"
"Anakin has your payment with him. Spice. More than enough to cover the weapons. Deliver the arms, and it's all yours."
"Yes, yes. Perfect." We walk into a room filled with crates. "So what are we thinking? We have blaster rifles, A-280s, E-11s, DC-15As..."
"We have plenty of rifles, Hondo, you'll have to better. I want the most bang for my buck. Quite literally, the most bang."
"How about a E-313 Power Interceptor?"
"Hondo, I'm not stupid. Don't scam me now."
"Blast. Sometimes I believe I've taught you too well."
"I'll take a look around. See for myself what you've got." I start around the storage room, opening crates an examining Hondo's weapons.
"Might I recommend staying away from the back? That's where I keep the no-good products," Hondo very obviously lies.
"I think I'll be the judge of that," I reply as I start to the back.
"Ah, no, no, no. There's nothing good back there, I— oh, you found them." I open a crate full of rocket launchers.
I smirk. "This will work. How many crates you got of these?"
"Hm, just the one. Apologies, m'dear."
"You're full of shit, Hondo. How many?"
"Ah, fine. The one next to it, too. But those are new and expensive, so—"
"Hondo, Anakin and I have 50,000 credits worth of spice on our ships. Each. That is far more than enough."
His eyes widen. "50,000 each?"
"Say no more. We have a deal. Men, I want these crates on my ship. We have a delivery to make." His pirates does as he says, and he turns to me. "To be clear, I am only delivering. Nothing more. Fighting your war is not in my payment."
"That's fine. These rebels we're delivering to can hold their own."
"Good, good. This job should be easy, then."

"Bup, bup! Back up. You mean to tell me you told Kenobi about the time I almost made you a podracer?" He kicks his feet up on the table we sit at on his ship as he takes a drink. "I do believe we would have done well. But with practice, and actual racer, no?"
"Hondo, that was a disaster. You let a 4-year-old almost completely destroy the entire Black Spire outpost. That might be the most intoxicated I've ever seen you."
"What can I say? I wanted to forget the fact that I lost nearly all of my spice that day. Wasn't good for business." Suddenly, a siren goes off.
"Uh... what's happening?" I ask him.
"Oh, that must be one of those damned groups of rival bandits. No worries, it will be taken care of. Probably."
"One of? How many rival groups do you have, exactly?"
"Approximately 27. They've been after me for a while, so I figured this would happen. But none are at all a match for me and my men!"
"You thought this would happen? Really? Hondo, no one is supposed to know I'm here!"
"Oh. Yes. That sounds like a problem for you."
"Dank ferrik, Hondo!"
"Not to worry. You can cower away and hide if you'd like. In the vents, or something like that. Though I have never known you as one to do so."
"I don't cower, Hondo."
"Then they will know you were here, will they not? Unless you want to disguise as one of us."
"Do you have something I can wear, then?"
"Of course I do! I have an extra cloak and an old helmet in a closet by the cockpit. You know, in case of emergency. Of the fashion variety."
"I've always found your priorities disproportionate, Hondo. Can't put my finger on why," I say sarcastically.
"I am going to pretend I know what that means and say yes! I'm glad you agree!"
"That's not— you know what, never mind. I'll be back." I run off through the halls, staying on the lookout for anyone who isn't in Hondo's crew, and sneak into the closet he told me about. I put the slightly battered cloak on over my grey tunic. It's a bit dusty and it reeks of alcohol. I take my saber off my belt and slip it into my boot, just in case someone sees it under the cloak. I grab the helmet and find two pistols and a pair of goggles. "Perfect," I mutter to myself with a smirk as I put the pistols in the large pockets of the cloak and put the helmet on. I pull the goggles over my eyes and adjust the cloak to where it's comfortable, then step out of the closet towards the sound of blasts being fired. I rush through the hallways and find myself behind these rival bandits, four of them shooting at Hondo and three of his men. I shoot them in the backs of their legs, disabling them, as I walk back up to Hondo. I twirl both the pistols in each of my hands and pocket them. "You're welcome."
Hondo smiles. "Oh! It is like seeing double! A mini me! I might just tear up at the sight— wait, where did you find my hidden pistols?"
"They weren't exactly hidden, Hondo. They were just sitting in the helmet," I tell him.
"Oh. Yes. I knew that. Still! This just might be the best day of my life!"
"Sure it is, pal. Are there any more bandits?"
"Oh yes, quite a few. No clue how we're getting out of this one, but we will! We always do. I am basically immortal."
"I'm sort of surprised you know what that means."
"So am I. Now let's go get these cowardly bastards!" I follow directly behind Hondo with his other men to where the other bandits are.
"By the way, Hondo, I'm not paying you for these bandits. They're not my problem, this is on you and has nothing to do with those rocket launchers," I say as we run.
"Well, technically, I... let's say I borrowed the launchers from them," he tells me.
"Damn it. Of course you did," I mutter. "Still, not my problem."
"Sometimes I regret teaching you the tricks of my trade. I was hoping you didn't notice."
"Of course I noticed." We skid to a halt in front of another group of bandits, and take cover behind nearby crates lining the walls. I shoot at their legs again.
"Why are you shooting at their legs? They have heads, you know! Not screwed on straight, obviously, but heads nonetheless!" Hondo shouts at me, behind the crates across from me.
"First of all, I'm not going to do your dirty work for you. Second, I'm a Jedi, I'm not going to kill someone who hasn't done anything to wrong me," I call back over to him.
"Bup, bup! No, no, no. Today, you are a pirate!" He shoots at another bandit.
"No, I'm just disguised as one."
"Same thing, no?"
"Not exactly," I say as I shoot the last one in the leg. We step out from our cover, and Hondo shoots the bandit I had shot in the leg in the chest for sure measure. "Hondo!"
"Oh, cry me a profit."
"Cry you a... what now? Actually, I don't even want to know. Look, we're obviously outmanned here, so we need to find a way to get them back onto their ship so we can escape."
"And you have a plan for that?"
"Well how many are there left?"
"Well, we've already taken out the majority of their crew. So probably about 10. A few of which might still be on their own ship."
"Okay, so we just need to lure them back into their ship. But first, I need one of your men to go prep the ship to jump to hyperspace en route to Onderon. But don't make the jump until you see the bandit ship detach."
"Hey, hey, woah, woah! I'm the one that calls the shots around here!" he exclaims. He pauses, then turns to the three pirates. "Well what are you waiting around for? Someone do what she said!" One of the pirates nods and starts towards the cockpit. "Okay, now what?"
"...I thought you were calling the shots?"
"Of course I am! I just want to hear your input, obviously."
"Okay then. We need to find the last of their crew in here—"
"And kill them!"
"...No, Hondo. We're not doing that. You said they were cowards earlier, right?"
"Oh, yes, every one of them. It's gutsy for them to even think of what they're doing now!"
"Then we just need to scare them away. It can't be too hard. I have a feeling they're not far from where we are."
"So what do you think we do then?"
I sigh. "I'm probably gonna regret this, but..." I bend down and pull the lightsaber out of my boot. I toss it in my hand and hold the hilt out to him. "Use this and pretend you stole it. But don't actually, you know, swing at anything, or anyone with it, or else you'll probably end up killing yourself instead. Just chase them back into their ship."
Hondo smirks as he takes the lightsaber. "Aha! Oh, this should be fun!"
"Follow me," I say as I wave to him and his men to follow me. We search all throughout our ship for them and finally find them by their attached ship. "Hondo, now!"
Hondo steps forward and ignites the saber. The bandit's eyes widen. "Yes, yes, be afraid! I stole this from a Jedi in the flesh!" He waves the lightsaber around as he approaches them. The bandits retreat even sooner than I thought and detach their ship from ours, and we enter into hyperspace. The other pirates cheer as Hondo examines my still-ignited saber in his hands. "Heh. I could get used to this!"
I use the Force to turn off the saber and pull it back to me. I catch it and put it on my belt. "Maybe another day. In the meantime, you can have your pistols back. I'm not a fan." I take the pistols from the pockets of my cloak and hand them to him, which he takes. "Wait... we do still have the rocket launchers, right?"
"Ah, don't fret, m'dear. They may be cowards, but they're also dumb as a bantha. They've been by the door the whole time!" he laughs.
I sigh in exasperation and mutter to myself. "Pirates."

We land on Onderon a while later, and members of Hondo's crew push out the crates of rocket launchers.
"Don't shoot!" I hear Ahsoka call. I look and see Steela, Lux, and her running towards as some of the rebels point their blasters towards us. Hondo and I walk down the stairs as they approach.
"Arlo?" the three of them ask in unison as they point to me, still in my pirates attire. Ahsoka snickers at me. I shrug.
Hondo chuckles and smirks as he looks at Steela. "Well, you could be my new favorite spice."
I groan. "Gross, Hondo," I mutter.
"Yeah, I don't think so," Steela replies.
"Careful, pirate," Lux warns.
"Put that thing down, Bonteri," I tell him. He doesn't listen.
"Hondo, what are you doing here?" Ahsoka asks. "And why is Arlo dressed like that?"
Hondo clicks his tongue. "Oh, no, no, no. You should thank me, child. I have brought you a gift from Skywalker, Kenobi, and Arlo over here." One of the pirates takes off the lid of one of the crates to reveal the rocket launchers. "Arlo picked them herself. Good taste, may I say. The latest from Sienar."
"The latest stolen from Sienar," I mutter.
"Rocket launchers?" Ahsoka questions in disbelief.
"Shoulder fired. Very expensive," Hondo tells her.
"Paid for?" Ahsoka asks.
"Very handsome."
"And Arlo, why do you look like a replica of him?" Ahsoka then asks me.
"Well I came to supervise, so no one was supposed to know that I came, outside of us. Then we had a bit of a debacle, so I blended in. I can't wait to scare the Force out of Obi-Wan when he sees me like this," I joke. Ahsoka laughs. Suddenly, blasts begin to fire from above.
"Oh! Oh, my, look at the time. Well, my work here is done." He goes to board the ship again.
"You've got this covered, Soka, or do you need help?" I ask.
"I've got this! Thank you for the supplies!"
"May the Force be with you all!"

We rearrive at Florrum and I lead Hondo back to Anakin and I's ships.
"What in the galaxy are you wearing, Arlo?" Anakin asks with a snicker as we approach.
"Got caught with some bandits, so I had to blend in. Obviously."
"She looks great, does she not?" Hondo asks with a chuckle. "Like I said before, the pirate I knew you always could be! Now where's my spice?"
Anakin gestures to a few crates in a pile by our ships. "That should cover it."
"Good, good. Always a pleasure doing business. Until next time?"
I get into my starfighter and wave goodbye to Hondo. "Until next time, my friend."

I land next to Anakin on the Jedi Temple landing platform, where Obi-Wan already stands, waiting for us. Anakin gets out and walks to him before I exit my ship.
"R4, you're gonna want to watch this. I think you'll find this hilarious," I say to the droid as I open the cockpit and step out onto the wing of the starfighter. I clear my throat, then call out to Obi-Wan, mimicking Hondo's voice as I hold my arms out. "Kenobi!"
Obi-Wan jumps out of his skin, and sighs in relief when he sees it's actually me. He buries his head in his hands and I saunter up to the two of them, just like Hondo. Anakin wheezes with laughter next to him.
"Arlo, I just had flashbacks, and not good ones," Obi-Wan says into his hands. "Never do that again."
I put an arm around his shoulders as I keep up the act. "No reason to fear me, Kenobi! We are friends, no? Now, that spice you paid me with—"
"I have half a mind to never let you go off on your own again, solely because of this. Why are you even dressed like that, anyway?"
"Well, you see—" I start in my Hondo voice.
"I'm asking Arlo, not Hondo."
I roll my eyes and switch to my normal voice. "He got caught up with some bandits. So I had to disguise so no one knew I was there, like you said. Mission accomplished. I make a fairly good-looking pirate, don't I?"
He sighs. "What in the galaxy am I to do with you?"
"You should make her do her Hondo impression again, that was spot on," Anakin tells him.
I laugh as I clear my throat and do my Hondo voice again. "I'm glad you think so, Skywalker, it seemed to put my pal Kenobi right here on edge, no?" Anakin laughs and Obi-Wan shakes his head as we walk back into the temple.

We find ourselves back on Onderon at Steela's funeral. The rebellion had been won... but as always, at what cost? Obi-Wan, Anakin, and I watch as Ahsoka, Lux, and Saw sadly approach her covered body. Ahsoka' shoulder was wrapped in a bloody bandage. She stands before the body on the verge of tears.
"This has been quite the journey for our Padawan," Obi-Wan mutters to Anakin.
"Steela will be a powerful spirit in their lives," Anakin says.
"Yes. For all of us."
The king speaks from behind Steela's body. "Remember this day, the day Onderon became free again!" The crowd begins to cheer as Ahsoka walks up to us.
"Are you okay?" I ask Ahsoka.
"Yeah, my shoulder is fine, just—" Obi-Wan, Anakin, and I cut her off with three don't-play-dumb looks. She sighs. "I'll be fine. You all were right. This was something for me to figure out on my own. I have my closure... and I think I'm okay."
"You did well, Ahsoka. I'm proud," Anakin says as he puts a hand on her good shoulder. "Now let's go get a new bandage on that shoulder." The four of us begin to walk away, Ahsoka and I behind our masters.
She nudges me. "Okay, now you've gotta tell me about your and Hondo's little adventure with the rocket launchers."
"Well then, brace yourself, because it is quite the tale..."
"Don't you dare tell her about scaring me."
"Oh, I most certainly will."

HONDO! OHNAKA! SUPREMACY! and that's all i have to say about that.
thanks for reading! -a 🪐

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