Tales of Common People | weasley20

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Here are a collection of short tales inspired from lives of common people.

Dumbledore once said, "It takes great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies. But just as much as to stand up to our friends."

So, in these stories you will find people standing up to someone they love, starting new friendships, letting go old relationships, and most of all living their life to the fullest.


"How much mark did you score in finals?" Or "I saw you talking to that guy... Is he your boyfriend?"

Remember this?

Remember those nosy aunties who used to interfere with our lives? While 90% of them were trying to dig up some gossip, some had good intentions. Delve in and decide whether this aunt has an intention or is just trying to be nosy!


"You are a girl. You can't do this" OR "You shouldn't do that"

How many of you heard this saying while growing up? Fortunately, some of us didn't. But, others were not so lucky. They had to prove others at each and every step that they are capable of living independently.

Similarly, will Naina be able to prove that she is capable of handling herself. Or will her fate be like millions out there?


YOUR COVER: (10/10) I was able to clearly see the title and author's name, and the cover accurately represents your story collection. It looks professionally made and draws me in as a reader. So well done!

YOUR TITLE: (10/10) Like your cover, your title represents your story collection. It lets potential readers know that this is a collection of stories, not just one story. It's unique, quirky, and has a nice ring to it for me to remember. A solid 10/10!

YOUR BLURB: (1/5) I was skeptical with the length of your blurb. There was a lot you could shorten and tighten. Remember that potential readers will probably only skim the first few sentences of your blurb, and if they aren't interested, they'll leave without reading the entire blurb completely. You also had an overwhelmingly large amount of grammatical errors. You confused several filler words, left out necessary definite/indefinite articles, and confused your punctuation marks (or left them out). You confused comma rules and had many tense slip-ups as well. If I were to shorten and grammatically correct your blurb, it would look something like this:

Dumbledore once said, "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much as to stand up to our friends."

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