Hawk it's okay.

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* It has been five months since the tournament.
-It's two days till valentines day and you and Hawk are still dating
-You and Hawk have forgiven Miguel and your back on good terms.
-Your the popular girl at school now.
-You hate Sam, Demetri, and all of the Miyagi Do members.

I laid in my bed. This time it was Hawk who flickered the lights. "Get up y/n, it's time to go." "Babe. I have told you before, IF YOU FLICKER THAT GOD DAMN LIGHT ONE MORE TIME I WILL KILL YOU!" He smirks and flickers it once more. I get up and charge at him, aiming to punch his stomach. He blocks it. He now had a red Mohawk and I still had blonde hair but just with Red highlights. He put his hands around my lower back and pulled me in. My lips touched his, it was a feeling of me floating on a cloud. Hawk came over alot because his mom was on the okay side of liking me. I leaned away and put my forehead against his. He smiled and closed his eyes. I will marry this boy one day. Even though we're only 16 I wanted him in my life forever.

He had a drawer with his stuff in it. He had stayed the night before and we were going to school on his new motorcycle. We both got dressed and headed out the door. I put one of the helmets on and climbed on after him, putting my arms around his waist. The wind touched my face. It was hot out in California that day. I laid my head against his back.

We got to school and I took the helmet off. "Damn you look hot y/n." I smiled. He took my hand and kissed me on the cheek. We walked in. This was the first time after break we had been seen together. Everyone looked. We were matching. Hair down to shoes. We even had the same dripping red sunglasses on. We walked over to the Cobra Kai members and I leaned against my locker. I then put in the combination and opened it. A teddy bear fell out as with a note. I read the note.

Dear y/n,

I just wanted to say that the past five months had been the best months of my life. When I first met you I knew you were going to be mine and that's exactly what happened. If it wasn't for Cobra Kai or you or Miguel I wouldn't have been this confident. Your the reason I wake up in the morning and there's a smile on my face. I love you with every bone in my body and I can't wait to marry you one day and let you be the mother of my kids.

Love, Hawk <3

I looked over at Hawk who was smiling down at me. Even though he was 6'1 I could still beat his ass. I leaned in and kissed him, sliding my thumb back and forth over his cheek. He grabbed my waist and there were butterflies in my stomach. He was the most amazing guy I have ever met. "Oh also. Will you be my Valentine?" He said with a grin. "Yes, of course." I said putting my arms around him, pressing my lips against his.

I went to 1st period with a smile on my face. I took a seat at a empty table. Weird, there is usually someone that sits here. My smile fades as I see who walks in, holding a note.

I looked. He hadn't talk to me for a month. I am guessing he was still mad at me for what happened at the tournament. There was only one chair that was open and it was beside me. He frowned as he walked over and took a seat. "Still mad at me Rob?" No answer. Yep he was mad. "Hey look. I didn't mean to kick you in the shoulder. I was intended to kick you in the stomach. I even told the referee." "Yea, I know that. I am just mad after what happened in the locker room. I thought you liked me in there. Guess not because you didn't text me for over two months and when you did you just said Happy birthday." "I thought you hated me." "No, I didn't hate you. I could never hate my bestfriend." He said with a smile. "So we're still friends, right?" "Yes y/n. We'll always be friends."

I walk out of class, Robby follows me. "Who's your 2nd period?" "Mr. Kins." Oh shit that was Hawks second period. Hawk already wanted to kill Robby. "No wait. That's 3rd. My 2nd is with Mrs. Hansky." "We're in the same class again!" He smiled. "Show the way y/n!"

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