Part 26 - Bogarts

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* Hadrian's POV *
I laid my head on Tom's chest, and listened to Remus. "Okay now that we have the theory of bogarts noted down, it's time to practice the spell", everyone stood up and moved the desks to the sides of the room, so that there was a space in the middle of the room. Remus brought out a huge wardrobe while Sirius filled us in on the basics or bogarts. I couldn't help but feel nervous, I don't know what my worst fear would be and with everything that's going on, do I really want everyone to know what it is?

Everyone lined up with our group in the middle, I squeezed Tom's hand and rested my head on his shoulder. I could see he didn't like the idea of showing his weakness I front of everyone. I looked back to the front where Sirius was demonstrating with Remus, Remus opened the door and the bogart walked in front of Sirius before taking shape in front of him. The image was a werewolf looking up at the full moon, through bars on a window, the wolf was all alone in a dark room. At everyone else's confusion I smiled his deepest fear was Remus being alone on a full moon.

He looked at the image and raised his wand, with a clear voice spoke the spell "Riddikulus". From the shadows of the dark room a grim appeared and the moon popped like a ballon with the room slowly growing brighter. Turning around with a smile Sirius looked at Albus who was first in the line "your turn!". Albus stepped forward confidently staring down the bogart as it was changing shape.

After a few seconds the bogart changed shape into me. I smirked when bogart me stared back at Albus, Lily and James were hugging me and Lilian but ignoring him. I chuckled under my breath, he treated me like shit all these years and his worst fear is that I would do the same thing to him, ironic. He lifted his wand as his hand was shaking "R-Riddikulus", the Bogart of me turned into a cat and ran around purring. Next in the line was Ron who's worst fear turned out to be a huge spider, good to know I will definitely have to remember that one, "Riddikulus". The huge spider appeared now with roller skates and scrambled to stand before falling down.

Next in line was Hermione, she seemed to be muttering things to herself. Once she reached the bogart she held her wand out ready, the bogart took the form of teachers telling her that she wasn't good enough. She cast the spell "Riddikulus", and the teachers stood wearing random and bright coloured clothes. Lilian was next in line, the bogart took shape and I nearly laughed when I saw that it was me but managed to hold it, Bella on the other hand did not. She cackled at the bogart, I had glowing green eyes and magic was pooling in my hands, creating smoke daggers, she stared at me for a while before casting the spell "Riddikulus". The daggers in my hand were replaced by flowers and my eyes were no longer glowing.

For the first time I was actually interested in what the bogart would turn into as Luna was next in line. She stood there with her friendly smile as she looked at the bogart curiously, changing shape the bogart finished and displayed a shape of me. I stood staring at my dead body on the floor that had blood surrounding it. She didn't raise her wand and I began to get worried, everyone began whispering and I'd had enough. I walked over to stand in front of her I took her hands and smiled "I'm okay Little moon,I'm not leaving you". She lunged and hugged me, I held her for a second until she let go and pointed her wand at the bogart "Riddikulus". She smiled at me and walked over to the side, where everyone who had already done were waiting.

I walked back to my spot in the line Neville was next, his fear was Snape and the image was quickly changed into Snape with his grandmothers clothes. Barty was next, his fear was a grave that had Bella's name on it, she calmed him down. Next in line was Malfoy, he looked smug as he walked over, the bogart began changing into two forms. It was me and Tom, holding hands with mated bite marks on our necks. Almost instantly Malfoy had said the spell and the bogart changed into his father with huge glasses. Next in line was Pansy, the bogart turned into two people once again, it was me stood next to Malfoy. He had his arm around me, with his white wings out, I was looking up at him and he leaned down to kiss me. Pansy had tearful eyes and practically yelled "Riddikulus", the figure of me turned into Pansy.

Bella was next in the line and she skipped forward making a disgusted face at the Bogart's last form, it changed its form into all of our group dead. Her face dropped but she quickly dismissed the scene by turning to see all of us smiling behind her. As usual the twins stepped up together with their wands out, another form of me appeared this time speaking "You're not my brothers! You never were! Anyone would be better than you two!". I stood behind them wondering if they where okay when they both sent the spell to the bogart, and turned around to give me a hug.

Tom was next and as usual he approached the bogart with a blank mask. The bogart began changing into multiple people, my eyes widened when the shape had finished. I stood in the middle of Malfoy and Diggory who were kissing one of my cheeks each, it made me feel sick. Tom growled "Riddikulus", both Diggory and Malfoy's heads exploded and a version of Tom emerged to kiss me. I laughed at Malfoy's face and turned back to Tom who was stood in front of me, he smirked and kissed me before joining the others.

I then looked forward, I was next and my heart was beating really fast, I walked up to the bogart and watched as it changed. I stared confused when it turned into Tom until it spoke "You were never good enough, I never loved you". I felt tears brimming in my eyes and raised my wand "Riddikulus", Tom appeared with Dumbledore's awful robes on. I ran over to where Tom was stood with the twins and hugged him tight.

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