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* Your in the hospital, Johnny is beside you, holding your hand. Hawk is sitting down, asleep.*

  I opened my eyes. My head hurts. I looked around, where was I? I looked to my right and Johnny is sitting beside me, my hand is in hand.  I looked at Hawk. He had a blanket over him. They were both asleep. I tried to get up but it hurt so much. I groaned in pain. "Take it easy y/n." Johnny said. He looked like he had been crying. "Where am I?" "Your in the hospital. You fell down two flights of stairs. You've been here for two days, in a coma." I looked over at Hawk, he was now awake and walking over to me. "Your awake, princess." I smiled and pushed my head into his chest. I was happy now that he was there. "Wait what happened to Miguel.." Johnny looked down, a tear started to swell up in his eye. "The doctor didn't give him long but he's awake if you want to go see him?" "Yes of course. Just help me up." Hawk picked me up and placed me into the wheel chair. We went down a hall way, turning a corner. Stopping at a room. I saw him, he looked terrible. He had broken his neck and ribs. I felt a tear come down my cheek. I grabbed his hand and put my hand on his bed. "Y/n..is that you.." I looked up to see him smiling at me. He squeezed my hand. "Don't worry what Johnny said. I'm gonna make it. I just need to learn how to walk again." "Good." I reached further, there was a sharp pain in my back. I screamed, and clutched my stomach. Hawk ran in and helped me calm down. He took me back into the room and laid me on the bed.

    *It has been two weeks since you were in the hospital. Your with the cobra kai members at the   arcade. Hawk is beside you. Your harassing a Miagy doe member.*

Hawk had jumped over the counter, grabbing candy and other shit. I laughed as we ran to the abandoned laser tag room. I looked over at Hawk, an evil smirk on his face. I walked over and kissed him, he put his arms around my waist. I put my forehead against his chin. All of a sudden the miagy doe members walked in. Sam was in the front followed by Demetri and ass face. I smirked. I basically won the fight, if she hadn't of pushed me. I caught Hawk staring down Demetri. "Do you guys really want your ass kicked?" Hawk snared. "I'll take Sam." I said looking at her. Terror came over her face. I had scratched Sam in the face when we fought two weeks prior, there was a scar.

About a few minutes of threatening each other I lunged at Samantha, kicking her in the face, making her fall. She tried to crawl away but I grabbed her hair, swinging her. Her body hit the wall. She laid there motionless. I smirked. "Pussy." I looked back to see Hawk standing over Demetri, he had his arm in a place and if he moved it the wrong way it would break. "Break his arm!!" Penis breath shouted. Hawk frowned and whispered "this is for Miguel." He bent his arm, I heard it crack."That was a little far.." I went over to Hawk, grabbing his collar, pulling him away. I could see tears in his eyes. "Hawk what was that!" I screamed. He looked down and put his arms around me. I backed away before he could lock me in. "I thought you were better than that. I was wrong" I screamed, running away. I could hear him coming after me. I ran through the arcade and out of the doors, knocking into someone. I said sorry and kept running.

It had been 3 days and I haven't heard nor spoken from Hawk. I heard a ding on my phone and opened it.
El Serpente - I heard about the fight, you okay?
Y/N - Yea it's just that I haven't talked to Hawk ever since he broke Demetri's arm.
El Serpente - Please talk to him. He keeps talking to me and it's annoying. Lol.
Y/N - fine I will.

I ended up calling Hawk. He answered almost immediately. "Y/n oh my god it's good that you called!" "Can you come over, we need to talk." I heard the phone hang up and slammed my phone on my bed.

I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Hawk. I opened the door and he brushed by me. "What do you need to talk to me about?" He said. I was still pretty pissed. "Why did you break his arm." He looked down. "I didn't want to, believe me." He looked up at me. There was hurt in his eyes. His eyes looked puffy and red from where it looked like he had been crying. "I thought when you said you wanted to talk you were going to break up with me." I was actually thinking about it. But when I looked into his eyes I knew it wasn't the thing to do. He had been there for me at the hospital and he had been there for me at the fight. He's my best friend why would I break up with him after everything we had been through. Yea he has anger issues and he's maybe a bully but Demetri had it coming, embarrassing him at the party, saying he wets the bed. "No, just because you did that doesn't mean we're gonna break up." He looked up and laid his head on my shoulder, I missed this.

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