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Attack on US
created by eren tatakae!
30 Januari XXXXX 2:12 AM

Mata Empat joined group by link

Mata Empat
hyyy minna


e blm ad yg bgn c ak jg ngapa nyapa klen xixixi

lep aj dech xixixi

Mata Empat left the group

2:15 AM
Mata Empat joined the group by link

Mata Empat
hlo ak kembali

utk pamit xxixxixi

Mata Empat left the group

2:20 AM
Mata Empat joined the group by link

Mata Empat
yo ohayo minna xixxi

ak hanji

ato km bs pgl aks mas hanji ato mbbkkk ato bukkk ato sengpai xxixi

soalnya aks g pny gender

salahin om hajime sjh yh

oks akh lep lg ddh

Mata Empat left the group

2:25 AM
Mata Empat joined the group by link

Mata Empat

aks join lgihh xixixi

4¶∆ |<@bar |<€|_3|\| ×1×1×1

@|<|_| |_3¶ [49| ¥|=|


Mata Empat left the group

Mata Empat joined the group by link

Mata Empat



Mata Empat left the group

2:35 AM
Mata Empat joined the group by link

Mata Empat

q qemblii qpqdamue,,,,

qlian kgn aq gk,,!

najis gadak yg on

masukin lipai ah

Mata Empat inviting leckerman to the group

Mata Empat
hwhwhw,! aque ingin syekalihhhh menbajak hpfh lipai,, tp kesyan dy misqun...,,,..

Attack on Us! (Attack on Titan fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang