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(A/N) thank you for taking your time to read this i'm sorry if it's not amazing it's my first time doing something like this, enjoy <3

It was like living with fear inside of you knowing that your dad was the black hood.Always rushing to get home incase he was following you, always checking your corners incase he was watching you.Boyfriends leaving as soon as they find out who your dad was. Hall Cooper.Everyone knew the coopers were messed up. You had my mum alice helping  this weirdo who claimed to be my brother  clean up the blood of a dead body. Betty (my twin sister) tried to drown this jerk named chuck (it's a long story) but then attacked him with sticky maple syrup. Well then you had Polly she tried to kill a nurse at this mental house she was staying at called betty, apparently she was hypnotised by a psycho named Evelyn from this dodgy farm. Then you have Charles he was a murderer.He went round killing innocent people for no reason. That's my family the cooper family everyone in this family has murdered someone. Well everyone but me. So far anyway..

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