Chapter 6: McDonalds

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Joy's POV

"Joy! Joy!!" a voice woke me from my sleep.

"Huh...?" I rubbed my eyes "Baekhyun...?"

"Joy!" The voice shouted and I felt something shaking me.

 "M--mom??" Once my vision was clear, I saw my mom shaking me.

"What happened last night?" My mom asked me. "Did he break your heart??"

"What?! NO!" I snapped back. I got out of the covers that Baekhyun must have put on me when I was asleep. So Sweet! :3

"Then why are you sleeping down stairs on the floor?!" She asked then her eyes went wide. "Y--you didn't---" 

"No! Mom! NO!!!" Jeez mom, Baekhyun's not a pervert~!

"Fine! Fine! Whatever!" She shooed me away. "Get ready to go the college already!!"


"Joy-ssi!" Someone shouted my name from across the room, it was Crystal. "Joy! JOOYY!!"

"Hi, Crystal." I smiled.

"Baekhyun oppa is so romantic!!" Crystal made puckered lips.

I rolled my eyes. 

"Are you happy I made you meet him, Joy??" She asked me winking.

"Yeah, I guess..."

 "Did he sweep you off your feet like a princess?!" 

"Kinda?" I smirked a little...

"Is that a smirk?" She asked while she poked my cheeks.

I just smiled at her sarcastically.


"C'mon, class is starting..." We walked to class.

The class was Geography, it was soooooo boring. Yes that many O's are necissary. But it was worth it. It was the last class, after that I could go see Baekhyun... The thought of that is just.... (^~^)


The school bell sounded and we packed our things. 

"Wait! I'm not finished yet!!" The teacher yelled. "You'll go back after I finish this chapter."

A groan emerged from us, the unhappy students.


"Yes?" The teacher asked the person knocking.

"Ergh, great! Another set-back!" I whispered to Crystal, who was sitting next to me.

"Yeah! I know ri--" The she just stopped in mid-sentence. She stared at the front door of the class.

"What are you staring at?" I turned around. 

"Erm, ann-yeong sir. Can I speak to Joy Park for a second?" a familiar voice asked kindly.

"B-baekhyun??" I stammered.

"OMG!! ITS BAEKHYUN! FROM EXO!!!!" The fangirls screamed.

"I know right!! He's Joy's Boyfriend!!" Crystal stood up and pointed at me and Baekhyun.

I sighed and looked at Baekhyun. He was laughing. Jerk...

"Teacher may I be excused?" I asked the teacher and pointed at Baekhyun.

He nodded. I can't believe Baekhyun would come here, to my college, to see ME. 

"How'd you stalk me?" I stepped out of class and asked him.

"What? No 'Hi Baekhyun~~!!' or 'How sweet are you~?'" He did aegyo and made the worst version of a girl's voice I ever heard.

"Hi Baekhyun~~!!" I copied him, bad girl voice and all. "You haven't answered my question!"

"Well, I asked your mom whether I could come fetch you from school and she said yes."

"You actually asked? Wow! I'm impressed!" I grinned. "Then why did you come up here?"

"Joy, did you notice its been half an hour since school ended?" He pointed at his clock. "As your boyfriend, its my responsibility to worry." 

"Well thanks for worrying." I smiled. "We're almost done." I went back to class. He continued to stand outside and I spent my time staring into his eyes through the glass. Surely enough, he stared back. 

A few boring earth facts later we were free to go home. 

Baekhyun was still standing outside waiting for me. I walked up to him.

"Thanks but you didn't need to stand outside." I said while we were holding hands to the car. 

"Yeah? Well, I'd rather stand outside watching you than sit in the car..." He sticked out his tongue.

"Creepy stalker thats what you are!" I pushed him gently.

"Fine, yeah I'm a creepy stalker..." He laughed. "You hungry?"


"Great! I know a place." he drove me to McDonalds.

"Hmm... McDonalds, how romantic!" I quoted "romantic".

"Hah, well I know romantic isn't really your style." He winked.

He knew me too well.


After we bought McDonalds we ate them at the park. We sat on a bench, the classic fairy-tale story's beginning.

"You know, I like some romance sometimes..." I shrugged.

"Really?" He looked at me. Then he leaned towards me.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Told you you don't like romantic gestures." He laughed. "That was a hint for a kiss."


"Don't worry, you an still have it." He leaned forward and kissed me briefly.

"Thanks, Jagiya~!" I laughed.

A/N: Sweet right? Hope you liked it! Anyway, sorry for not posting much but more is still to come! Stay Tuned!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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