Who needs a name anyway?

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The year continued, and Sirius was let out of St. Mungos in February much to his and Harry's joy. Harry was able to be there when Sirius was released and helped him move into 12 Grimmauld Place, which was a dingy house with a moody house elf named Kreacher. Harry actually almost liked the little elf. He was intensely loyal to his former Mistress and Master who had died. Harry couldn't blame Kreacher for following the precepts set by his former Masters.

As the year began to wind up to the end of year tests, Hermione became more frantic in her studying habits, and the rest of them were almost as stressed. They all wanted to finish the year on a high note, so they all buckled down to study. Hermione set up study schedules and they followed them for the most part. They spent most of their free time in the library.

DADA didn't get better. Harry still had a headache in every class, and it was getting worse every time he was in the classroom. Professor Quirrel seemed to be getting more nervous every day as well. He stuttered more, and his lessons were even more sporadic. Harry was nearly ready to just not go to that class at all until the test day and just study independently. He could also tell the only thing keeping Hermione paying attention in the class was her innate respect for any adult in a position of authority.

Exams finally came, and after the last one, Hermione finally came out of her frenzy only to go into another.

"Oh I just know I've failed every test! I know I forgot at least one of the ingredients in the Forgetfulness Potion!"

She continued, but Harry snorted at the irony of forgetting a Forgetfulness Potion. Hermione turned on him.
"What are you laughing about Harry Potter?" she snapped. Harry gulped and ignored the use of his last name for once.

"Well," he started. "I was laughing at the irony of forgetting parts of a Forgetfulness Potion, but the idea of you failing these exams is also hilarious, not to mention ridiculous."

The other boys were standing a little behind him, and Harry turned to them as Hermione gaped at him. "Aren't you supposed to be the Gryffindor, Ron? Why are you hiding behind me?" Draco snorted as Hermione and Neville burst into laughter. Ron glared at Harry and he laughed.

They continued down the hallway, when something caught Harry's attention. He waved the others on ahead when they looked at him curiously and went to check it out. He heard a strange voice mutter something but before he could turn around to find out who it was everything went dark.

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