Fate and Danmachi Part 4

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Twilight Manor
Loki and Finn were discussing about a letter they had received from Fels and Ouranos.

"Why would Ouranos need to speak to us? Is this about what happened yesterday?" Finn asked

"Not sure, but it's Ouranos so we should comply, tell them to get ready so we can get going" Loki replied

Finn went down to the familia's dining area to tell them about the letter.

"Everyone may I have your attention, we have received a letter from Ouranos. It informed us that we had to meet with him as soon as possible"

Everyone then started muttering amongst each other until Finn continued to speak

"The letter had requested that we bring Riveria, Ais, Lefiya, Gareth, Bete, Tiona and Tione"

"So please get ready so we can head out, I'll meet you in the front gate"

Ouranos's Chamber
Inside the chamber we came see Ouranos and the Hestia Familia. They consisted of Mikoto, Welf, Lili, Haruhime, and Ryuu.

"Not to sound mean Lord Ouranos but why have you requested us?" Ryuu asked

"Don't worry I'll answer that soon we're just waiting on a couple more people" Ouranos replied

As soon as Ouranos said that the Loki familia had arrived.

"Great everyone is here, we can now begin" Ouranos said

"To be honest I wasn't the one who requested you, it was acquaintance who has requested you" Ouranos continue

They all started talking amongst each other. Who was this acquaintance and what did he need?

"You may come out now" Ouranos said

With that an armored figure had emerged from the shadows, Finn had noticed who it was but decided not to talk.

"Hello Loki and Hestia Familia"

"It's great to see you, but let's cut to the chase. I would like to fight you" The armored figure replied before pointing at Ais

"Who are you we've never seen you" Bete said in an angry tone

"If you must know, I am a spirit and I wish to form a contract with Ais" the armored figure replied

"I'll do it" Ais replied

"Are you sure Ais we don't know who this is" Tione, Tiona, and Lefiya said

"Very well show me your power Sword Princess" the armored figure said before getting in a stance

Ais drew he sword and went to attack the person, the armored figure quickly dodged before getting ready to attack.

"I'm sorry to do this Ais but your not like your old self" the armored figure thought

"No wonder that boy died, your too weak"

Everyone started to get angry, they knew who this armored figure was talking about.

"You don't know anything!" Ais said before charging at the armored person only for him to dodge the sword again

"Looks like ima have to turn it up a notch, I hope I'm not taking this too far" the armored figure thought

"Then the boy must have been weak?" The armored figure said

"Stop" Ais muttered

"What was that?" The armored figure said

"I said stop!" Ais said before yelling out tempest

"Show me your conviction" The armored figure said

They both began to fight, it was much more intense than before. Ais had finally started to act like her old self

"Very well!" The armored figure said

"I shall contract with you, but I'm not ordinary spirit" the armored figure said

"Nice to meet you again Ais Wallenstein" the figure said before taking off his helmet, everyone was shocked to see that the armored person was Bell

"Or should I call you master?" Bell said

Ais was confused was this Bell or was it an imposter? No it was definitely Bell he had the exact same features as him

"B..Bell, is it really you?" Ais said running to Bell

Ais gave Bell a big hug before crying on his chest

"Please tell me this is real, please tell me I'm not dreaming" Ais said between sobs

"I'm sorry Ais, I shouldn't have used your feeling against you" Bell said patting her head

"You shouldn't be sad, I said it before and I'll say it again, I'll always be your hero" Bell replied before getting on his knee

Ais was blushing?!? What was Bell doing, it looked like he was proposing to her

"Will you be my master?" Bell said with a closed eye smile

"W.what are you talking about Bell!?" Ais replied

"I'm not here but I'm here at the same time so in order to stay I need a master, I'll ask again, will you be my master?" Ais was now blushing did this mean she can order Bell around?


Ais jumped at the sudden cough. She then remembered that her familia and the Hestia familia were there. Many of them were still shocked

"Sorry to break up the reunion but just ask him out already!" Tione and Tiona yelled at Ais

"B..Bell umm, I'll be your m..master but can I also be your g..girlfriend?" Ais said in between stutters

It was now Bell's turn to blush. He was going to run away on instinct until he heard a voice call out to him

"Come on Bell! Here's your shot" Welf yelled out before giving Bel a thumbs up

"O.okay A..Aiz I'll be your b..boyfriend, b..but I need to do something in order for you to be my m..master" Bell

Bell took Ais's hand and kissed it, a large magic circle appeared around them

"I, Bell Cranel promise to serve Ais, and only Ais. I am her's to command, do you accept Master?"

"I accept" Ais said

A mark then appeared on Ais's hand, it was a sword with a shield and bow behind it.

"Now time to make the other request official" Bell said

"Ais Wallenstein will you be my girlfriend?" Bell said before blushing and looking at her

"Yes Bell, I would love that" Ais replied

AN: ima be honest this felt kinda rushed so when I eventually make this a book it would be changed drastically.

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