Family Day Out

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Amelia's POV: 

I woke up to Ross slowly rubbing my bare back. He had his hand up the back of my night shirt and I could hear his steady breathing. Romeo shuffled in his bed quietly trying to pull his blankets over himself. I quietly rolled over and looked up at Ross he gave me a wide smile and leaned in to kiss my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sat in his lap. I could smell his strong cologne that he probably bathed himself in earlier. 

"Ross. It's eight thirty in the morning. Why are you waking me up?" I whispered softly so I wouldn't wake our son. Romeo is usally always awake by seven thirty.

"I'm taking our family out today for a family day." He whispered pulling me out of bed. 

"Our family?" I asked confused. 

"You. Me. Romeo." He said as I sat down. He pulled out a t-shirt and some skinny jeans for me and handed them to me. I took them and put them away to get out my own outfit. 

"I can pick my own clothes Ross. Thanks for trying. Will you get Romeo ready please." I asked slipping off my shirt. Ross said nothing and stared at me as I undressed. "Ross quit." I hissed quietly.    

"Sorry I couldn't help but stare at my beautiful girlfriends body." He mumbled as I clipped my bra.As Ross left, I ended up putting the outfit he picked out for me on.

Ross woke Romeo and dressed him then out him in the carrier then Ross grabbed his wallet and the stroller. He took us out to a cute little cafe that was said to be very 'kid friendly'

"Hi I'm Vanessa I'll be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink." A tall girl smiled with a notebook in her hand. She was watching Ross carefully but Ross was ignoring her. It was like something was on his mind This is not like him at all.

"Bah." Romeo squealed hitting his hands on the table. 

"Ok. Calm down little guy. I'll have a tall glass of coffee, and little Romeo over here will have a cup of Apple Juice." Ross said and handed Romeo a toy car. He squealed and started pushing it around and making little noises. I smiled and kissed his head. 

"Ok and for you mam." She said and slightly glared at me.

"I'd like some water please." I smiled in an evilish way. She rolled her eyes at me and walked away. She soon came back. 

"Sorry would this little tyke like a fun cup. We have them in designs such as cars, monkeys and dogs. That are for boys." She asked Ross. 

"Oom." Romeo yelled pushing his car.  

"The car please." Ross smiled and she walked away and soon came back with our drinks. The cup she gave Romeo was actually really cute. It's a fire truck cup and the straw is shaped like a ladder.  I ordered French toast, Ross got Fried chicken and waffles and we ordered Romeo some pancakes. He was to busy playing with his favorite toy. Since Mark have Romeo the toy little car he has taken it everywhere and even slept with it. 

"So what are we doing today Ross." I asked and grabbed his hand. He smiled and leaned forward and puckered his lips. I giggled and leaned forward to peck his lips. The girl came back with our food as we pulled away. She glared at me as she set my food in front of me and then gave Ross his and then set Romeo's plate down.  He was excited and stuffed his face with pancakes. 

"Well I planned a few things that will be good for Romeo. But I planned a few things for us." He said and took a huge bite of waffle. 

"Like what?" I asked excited cutting up my toast.

"Well I found a toddler park, it's paid admission cause it's a theme park sorta thing. It will be fun for us and him for bonding." Ross explained and pushed aside his empty plate. I smiled as he payed and we went over to the place he was talking about. 

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