Ancient World Problems

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Rome: *just chilling*

Rome: .....

Rome: *randomly dies for reasons unknown to this very fucking day*

Ghost Rome: God damnit..

Ghost Rome: If I hadn't been given these cheap ass Chinese products, I'd be fine!

Ancient China: Jokes on you, Aru. :33<

Ghost Rome: I thought we were cool!

Ancient China: Lol, bitch, nah

Rus (literally what they decided to fucking call Russia back then): who teh hell r u ppl

Ancient China: Ah shit, it's Scythia's kid.

Scythia: Whole damn better than your kids.

Ancient China: What'd you just say, ya piece of shit?

Ghost Rome: Now you've pissed him off..

Scythia: my two babies *points at Russia and Belarus* are a whole lot better than your 47 cumstains

And on that day, Scythia died and soon became farmland for the smaller Asian countries.

Lesson of the Day: Don't mess with China's kids or he'll fucking stab a bitch. Then, he'll take your kids and make sure they become part Asian. (No, seriously, Russia's half Asian..)

Leia: 47 KIDS?! Damn, China is the real mvp!

China: Actually, I have 51, Aru.

Leia: Holy balls..

Africa: I have 53.....

China: *death glare of death*

Leia: Don't challenge him or he'll turn us all Asian!

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