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Natalia's POV:

I watched Revna and the guys leave, pouting some because I didn't want her to go anywhere I wanted to spend time with her.

"You'll see her again." Carol laughed, pulling me away from the window.

"And when you do, you'll be getting married." Wanda grinned.

My cheeks heated up at the thought and I smiled to myself, "Yeah, I will."

"And then you can be plowed by her once she sees that tattoo." Carol wiggled her eyebrows before disappearing into the kitchen to do god knows what.

"Are you nervous?" Wanda asked.

I licked my lips, taking a moment to think, "a little. but I think I'm more excited. we haven't had sex in so long-"

"I meant about the wedding. I already know you're excited to participate in your sinful activities." Wanda laughed.

I laughed and Carol laughed, coming out with red solo cups filled with some type of alcohol, "I just can't believe it's finally happening."

Carol nudged Wanda, "you need to get laid."

Wanda just laughed into her cup as her cheeks tinted pink. I laughed at my friends, tilting the cup towards me as I took a sip, my face instantly turning sour as my throat burned like hell from my drink.

I coughed and gagged, "What the hell is this Carol? You can't mix drinks for shit."

"It's Whiskey." Carol laughed, "Jack and Coke to be exact. Do you only drink wine now?"

"No." I huffed, "Revna and I got drunk a few weeks ago off the hard stuff."

Wanda snorted, "What? Mikes Hard Lemonade."

My mouth dropped open at the quip from Wanda, Carol even looked shocked before bursting out into obnoxious fits of laughter. Wanda joined in with her own laughs and I had to let out a few of my own.

"It was Vodka I'll have you know." I playfully glares at the witch.

"Ooooo." Wanda let out sarcastically and I laughed hard.

I was half expecting for Carol to make some retort about me being Russian, but she didn't. After our laugh, we wiped the tears away and sipped our drinks a little more.

"We should play some music." Carol said, getting up and walking over towards my stereo and rummaged through the CD collection Revna and I started building up. Since we grew up the way we did, we had loads of music to catch up on so we started listening to everything. We started buying the albums we did like and eventually we had a collection.

I sighed, "I miss revna."

Wanda gave me a sympathetic look from over her solo cup as I took a sip of my drink, the burn igniting in the back of my throat.

"Well there's nothing in there I want to scream my lungs out too." Carol sighed in disappointment, tossing her head back and gulping down the rest of her drink.

"But there's a Beyoncé CD in there somewhere." I said.

The blonde shrugged, "Rihanna is way better. I need a refill."

Wanda and I nodded and the lightbulb went off in my head when I remembered Peter had left his Wii console here, and his copy of Just Dance.


"Am I throwin' you off?" I asked Carol while she and I played Just Dance, Wanda was going to play the winner and it would go on like that.

"Nope." Carol relied back sassily.

I smirked, "Didn't think so."

By this time we all had two cups of Jack and Coke each, Carol being Carol was almost on her third cup.

The blonde and I were a laughing mess as we danced around trying to earn more points than the other. At one point Carol knocked me into Wanda and the woman caught me.

"Sh, don't tell my wife." I laughed.

Wanda laughed playing along, "It'll be our little secret."

Carol laughed as I bopped Wanda's nose before going back to dancing.

"Scandalous." Carol joked.

The song was over thirty seconds later and Carol won, tossing her fist in the air as she finished off the rest of her cup. I huffed, handing Wanda the Wii remote while pushing my hair out of my face, deciding to grab a hair tie and putting my hair in a messy bun.


"These brownies are really good." I moaned, stuffing my face with another brownie as some crumbs fell into the carpet.

Wanda hummed, "yeah, I didn't think you knew how to cook considering all you have in your fridge is microwaveable items."

Carol sat up and leaned on her hands as she looked down at Wanda and I who were laying on the ground. Her eyes were low and they were unmistakably red.

"I may have drugged us. THC babes. Edibles."

"Carol.." I started, licking my lips as I tried not to lose my train of thought, "I've eaten four of these."

"Three for me." Wanda said.


All three of us looked at one another before bursting out into hysterics moments later. My stomach started cramping. I was laughing so hard.

We settled down and wiped away the tears of joy from the corners of our eyes.

"So," Carol smirked, "You guys ready for the strippers?"

a/n: I love these three

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