I'm A Pirate

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It was hot.

Really super hot day.

Looking down at the water Zoro is tempted to drink it as Luffy is looking very sea sick and may throw up into the sea.The only one seeming to handle it like a champ is you to which you slept on Zoro's thigh without breaking a sweat.

"How in the hell can we be feeling so overheated and sick while she is sleeping it off so easily?"

Zoro waits for Luffy's answer but he shrugs saying "I don't know?Maybe she likes this type of heat??"

Zoro groans before he sat up and watch you sleep.He has to say the bandages on your body made you look a whole lot worse then anything else, even with cloths on, it was still so noticeable to the naked eye.Being gentle he began to mess with your messy (H/C) locks, seeing that your smiling now, before doing it more. He was feeling a warm spot whenever he sees you smile like that, it was odd but fascinating to him.

"Meat..I need meat.." Luffy looks up at the sky, soon squinting, and jumps up shouting "There is a bird in the sky!"

Zoro hums, looking up to see it too, then at Luffy "Your going to catch it or what?"

"Come here.." Luffy then leaps into the air, causing the boat to shake violently to which woke you up, Luffy getting closer to the bird "...bbBIIRDDYY!"

The moment you look up along with Zoro you two see that it seems Luffy got to the bird....but the bird has him and iS FLYING AWAY!

Zoro leaps over you and began to pattle really fast "Dammit Luffy!" you watch as Luffy gone farther and farther from you guys "Why Luffy?!Why?!"

Looking ahead you see people in the water "Zoro!People are in the water!"

He didn't care right now, he kept on pattling "Oi!Move out of the way and get on if you can!"

The men screams were heard before you help each one of them in, them all soak to the bone.Sitting between Zoro's legs he kept on pattling and his eyes trained of Luffy and the bird.

"I'm suprised you guys could get on here at how fast I was going.I'm impressed."

One of them chuckle, pulling out their swords one by one "It seems so.But now this boat belongs to us, be warned we are from Buggy's crew so why don't you be nice and jump overboard for us will ya?"

Zoro stops pattling as his entire aura change from calm to dead on serious mode which was scary to other people, soon turning to face them with a irritated death glare "Say what now?"

Within seconds your in Zoro's lap as he lays his head on top of yours while the pirate's from Buggy's crew pattle faster for Zoro after scary them to death.


He looks down at you, tilting his head to the side "Hm?"

"Do you think Luffy will be okay without us right now?"

He pause for a second on that, trying to think it threw right, then spoke "Probably.Depends on the situation at hand."

-Time skil cause that's a long sea trip-

Luffy can not be left alone for a minute.The moment y'all got there he was stuck and tied up in a cage of stone and was about to get blown to shimmerings.You promise Luffy to not do what you did back at the marine base so Zoro had to go alone as you watch from the side lines.Seeing that Buggy was also a devil fruit user put both Zoro and Luffy in a disavanged, and seeing Zoro get stabbed by Buggy before your eyes made you wanna cry. Yet even after getting out of there, with a orange haired woman, you tryed to help Zoro with Luffy's caged self....it wasn't doing so good.

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