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Everyone around me is scared and panicky, but I can't feel anything. The say the world we used to live in has changed and will change even more, they are all scared, all except me. Well I am not scared for myself anyway, I am scared for my little sister Gulia, she is only 14. I know the world has become a dangerous place in the last 80 years, it used to be beautiful, and safe but now it is all gone. The change has started. I have never known this side of our world, but I can be sure that it was the opposite of what we have now, researchers say that this is only the beginning unless we can find a way to stop it. The world around me is a sad place all I see is the wasteland, the outskirts, the abandoned cities, people starving because of the unbelievable heat and drought. The city we live in is one that is still habitable because it is surrounded by tall mountain that give out shade when the sun is at its hottest. But the drought still affects us all. Everyone is scared that they won't make it through the day, but I'm not. The only thought I can't bear is that this heat might kill my sister. Even though she is only a few years younger than me I feel so much older. I have to protect her, I just have to! I can't let anything happen to her, never. She is all I have left and if she would die, I had no point to live, no reason to make it through each day. I feel like she is still a child, but I know she can be brave and though, when the time will come to act.

When we were little my parents used to tell us about the world, most people tried to stay inside when possible, the smog and the pollution outside is too much to take in too long. It will make you sick and it can even kill you. Due to this there are not many homeless people, most of them die within days without an escape from the smog. Apart from that there is also the unbearable heat, and the bitter cold at night. If it would rain maybe the smog would go away and it would cool down a little. The world used to be a happy place with fishes living in the sea, Elephants in the desert, so many amazing things, clear air, fresh water everywhere, but now... it is all destroyed! And by who? by us! Humans did this! We are to selfish and driven to find power, wanting more effective ways to grow crops in a smaller area to feed more people. To produce more food to be able to increase our population, but what we did to our environment! No one cared, we destroyed ourselves. But the worst part is the ones who did it won't have to live with the consequences. But we will, the children of the world, how is that fair? but no one can change what they have done now. We just have to deal with the consequences.

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