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The death of Sirius Black rocked all order members, the wizarding world and especially Harry.

His post war perfect life with the alleged mass murder had left and with him his opportunity to lead a somewhat normal life with a parental figure who didn't mentally abuse and humiliate him.

He spent days in the dark, not allowing anyone to go in not even Ethaline. He didn't want her to see him which somewhat worked in her favor as she assisted everyone else who was feeling the loss of the happy man in Grimaldo place.

Dumbledore had given them the week off, saying they could take longer but Ethaline only accepted it on the condition she could come and go from the school to help the Order members.

"Wotcher cousin." Tonks said, her usually happy mood down as she arrived into the dark home, a sad smile on her lips as Ethaline looked up from a map sprawled on a table.

Ethaline looked up and nodded in her way before she went back to concentrating on the map. The Dark Lord was moving every day, she wasn't going to let him win. She was determined not to for everything he had done, especially To Harry.

She may not be able to be there for him emotionally, as she also lacked the skills to do so, she was going to show it to him in another way. Like mapping out safe houses for Muggles and their families. They were disappearing all over the country.

Ethaline grabbed a newspaper with the missing muggle name, her hand gripping onto a pen as she circled another location on there and set a red flag on it. "I've got to go." She muttered, "Quite a bit to do before school starts again." She said as she grabbed the map off the table.

Remus walked in, holding some food for Harry, "You're leaving again?"

"Finding these muggle parents to return them to their crying kids at Hogwarts is my current priority." Ethaline said as she motioned for the plate with her head, "How is he?"

"About the same as you." Remus replied, "Not a single smile, all quite." He said as Ethaline looked away, somehow finding the wall more interesting.

"I told you I don't need emotional council. I'm fine." She said before looking over at Tonks. "Has the Minister said anything about my request?"

Tonks sucked her cheeks in, looking at Remus, "It's complicated." She started, "He needs approval from the council and they're working it out. We should have an answer soon."

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