Chapter 44: The Earl, Final Blows

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"Buono fortuna. Fratellino," Ezio replied. He smiled grimly, then darted off to scale the walls of the Palace and clear the way inside for the boy.

The Italian was not used to staying anonymous within enclosed spaces. He could manage such a task, but he did not risk stealth in the manner that experienced thieves and masters of stealth in all areas could manage. He knew that he must at least try to attempt this though, and so he cleared the hallways to make sure that no servants were around to capture Ciel and foil the plan.

The original plan had been for Ciel and Ezio to work together to take down Ash and take back the Apple, but the boy could not handle an enemy with such overwhelming strength and cunning, even though he could fight and fence well. Ezio knew this, as well as everyone else. If anyone was powerful enough to bring Ash to his hands and knees, it was Sebastian. Unfortunately, he was out there, assisting Darby and the others outside the front gates.

I had been stupid to let him decide to command the diavolo to fight alongside the other Assassins. He needs Sebastian for this fight... I must buy some time and weaken Ash... Then, at the very least, the fight will be a little easier for Ciel...

Ezio entered the Quadrangle and found that there were no guards in sight. This was good. There would be no one to interfere with the Assassin's secret plans. He ran towards a wall and took a few forceful steps on the wall's surface; he grabbed onto a window ledge and pulled himself up. He stood up on the ledge and sidled along the walls, occasionally jumping to the next ledge that came up. When he made it to the canopy roofing by the throne room towards the Grand Entrance of the Palace, he hopped down to the canopy roofing and ran towards the windows leading into the throne room. He jumped over the platform that covered the Grand Entrance and jumped down to the canopy roofing on the right side of the West End of the Palace. He passed the windows to the windows of the Green Drawing Room without even hinting at movement. He was draped in the cloak of the shadows of the grand Palace. As he made his way closer to the Throne Room, he could sense the increasing strength of the mysterious metallic sphere's influence on him. He could certainly resist it, but it became harder to do so as the distance between the object and him decreased. He had held onto it for so long that it seemed as though it was calling to him, imploring him to come to it.

At last, he came upon the windows of the throne room. From what he could see from the outside, Ash was pacing the room, expecting the arrival of the Assassins. He seemed to stop pacing when he sensed Ezio's presence. That clever, cunning grin seemed to burn through the windowpanes and strike at Ezio's heart. The Italian almost faltered, but he knew that he must be strong for the Assassins, for England, for the world.

It's time to end this...

Ezio, with as much bodily force as he could muster, broke into the throne room through the windows. He rolled forward and stood up, unsheathing his falchion. He sternly glared at Ash, who only maliciously laughed at the Ezio. There was a sinister gleam in his eyes as he held the Golden Apple in his hand, the metallic sphere glowing and emanating a harsh, intense light from its core.

"So, you finally arrived, Assassin, or shall I say, Mr. Auditore?" Ash taunted. "Where are your friends? Oh, that's right. My Royal Guard is keeping them at bay."

"Your Royal Guard? You're an idiota to think that you are winning," Ezio retorted.

"Oh? But I have already won."

"You've only won the battle, but you have not won the war." Ezio charged towards Ash and threw a feint at the fallen angel.

Suddenly, Ash brought up his falchion and caught Ezio off-guard by blocking the feint and conducting a counterparry. The Italian, surprised by the defensive move, almost had his sword thrown off his hand, but he had a fiery determination, thus a firm grip on his sword. He simply backed up and began stepping clockwise around Ash.

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