7. A Diagnosis

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  After sitting and staring at the scary scene taking place in front of me Matilda drags me out of the room to change out of my towel and into some clothes. I don't talk about what just happened, I just limply comply to Matilda's help. Father and Ryder kick Anna and I out of the room and we are expected to wait for the doctor to guide him in.

   With my hair still wet and no effort put into my appearance Anna and I sit in the grand hall staring at the windows in silence. I did grab one of my textbooks and I then try to research all the types of sicknesses that have bloody coughs as a symptom. I do not have much luck but that could just be my panic blinding me. But from memory I do know that forms of contagious plagues, cancers, and other horrible sicknesses have bloody coughs as a symptom.

  "Veronica," Anna finally speaks putting a hand on my lap, "It's ok, all we can do is hope for the best. Who knows this could just be a cold. Wording ourselves won't do us any good,"

  "I know... it's just hard to be calm," I reply thankful for her, "Hey, where are the girls?"

  "Some of the house servants took them out for a walk. We thought it would be good to get them out of the house,"

"Oh, that's smart," I quietly reply trying to ease my nerves.

"Do you want to hear a secret, something even Ryder doesn't know yet?" Anna offers her voice becoming more lively.

"Sure," I weakly smile the tears slowing down.

"Okay... So don't tell anyone but I believe Ryder and I are expecting again. I haven't bled in three months and my clothes are starting to get tighter and tighter. So I believe Ryder and I are going to have another child,"

"Anna that is amazing!" I cheer as I give Anna a hug while a happy giggle escapes my teary voice, "I am so happy for you guys,"

"I'm so happy as well, I was planning on telling Ryder tonight and the rest of the family tomorrow morning but plans changed and you were the first to learn. I waited a lot longer than I usually do but I wanted to be for sure this time, I hate false hope,"

"I can't wait to have another niece or maybe a nephew," I smile as a knock graces the door.

"That must be the doctor," I explain jumping from my seat to answer the door.

"This is Dr. Byers," The servant we sent to collect him explains.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I quickly greet and be bows in reply, "My mother is just upstairs let me lead the way," I explain before running up the stairs.

  "And you as well Miss Kingston," Dr. Byers greets in reply as we rush to the room.

  Father and Brother brought Mother to her own bedroom where she is found laying in her bead, a handful of handkerchiefs sitting next to her, some of them slightly bloody. Mother alone looks extremely pale, her features slowly draining. But the more I think about it she has been looking like this off and on for weeks, to a lesser extent of course.

  "Please give me some room to examine Lady Kingston," Dr. Byers demands as Ryder and Father move out of the way.

  "Maybe you should go wait in the hallway Veronica," Father demands as he stands next to me.

  "No," I growl in reply surprising myself, "I need to know what's wrong with Mother, I will not let you push me out again. I am sure Mother wants me here. I know if you were the sick one she would let me stay. For Gods sake I was the one who called for the physician,"

  "Fine," Father snaps in reply, "But we will be having a conversation about this behavior later,"

  "Fine," I reply slight relief draining my body knowing that my father is complying.

  We wait a few minutes which feels like a thousand years as the doctor checks up on Mother. I try to stop my mind's gears from running because my thoughts are only scaring me.

  "Alright I am done," Dr. Byers announces taking his glasses off as he returns his instruments to his suitcase.

  "And what is wrong with my mother?" Ryder asks the doctor.

  "The good news is that is not a sort of contagious plague. The bad news is that it could be some sort of cancer, throat or lung would be my guess. I cannot tell for sure but I recommend bed rest. I am afraid her days are numbered and there is not much that can be done. We have certain procedures that could be done but because the disease is unknown, procures would probably do more harm than good. I would advise that you spend your days with Lady Kingston wisely because of their uncertainty," Dr. Byers explains causing my soul to leave my body.

  "W... What do you mean by her days are numbered?" I stutter my voice glossy and ready to shatter.

  "It is how it sounds, she is sick and does not have a lot of time left on this Earth,"

  "But I am positive you can do something to heal her can't you? There must be a way to return her to her health!" Ryder interrupts his voice fragile as well.

  "Like I explained earlier I am afraid there is not much to be done. Most procedures would do more harm than good. I can prescribe some meds though, to ease her pain," Dr. Byers explains and I begin to zone out once again, i've been doing this a lot lately. I then notice that Mother hasn't said a word and her emotions are blank.

   I watch as Father and Ryder discuss with the doctor and take a seat at Mothers side. Once sitting next to her I cannot help but let out a stream of tears. I feared this, some sort of awful sickness. I was so scared of learning that it was some awful sickness, but learning that we are not sure what the disease is exactly, just that it is deadly, is much worse.

  "My dear Veronica," Mother starts a weak smile on her face, "It is okay, I know I am sick and my days are numbered but we still have time together. I am more thank excited to make the most of my time left on the Earth with you,"

  "Don't talk like that Mother, maybe you will pull through this and live to see my future children. I can't let you go Mommy, I need you, more than I need anyone," I whimper trying to stay strong.

  "Veronica please don't cry over me, I am still here and as long as I am I do not want your tears. Leave those for when I am gone. For now I just want to see that beautiful smile of yours,"

  "I am sorry Mother... I am just shocked,"

  "Don't let this hold you back my darling, don't you forget about our conversation earlier in the day. It sounds like you are in love, I want you to follow it through. Now more than ever, please find the man of your dreams, find him and let him take care of you,"

  "I can't think about stupid men right now. You are the only thing on my mind Mother. The suitors can wait-"

  "No, this will make me happy. Go out tonight even, I prepared your dress for you and everything please don't let it go to waste. Your youth makes me happy and all I want is for you to be happy. Yes my days are numbered but I am not going to die tonight. I still have months to live. Don't hide away with me day and night, you will miss the season and then I will never be able to approve of your future husband,"

  "I don't know, I don't think I am in the brightest spirits to go out tonight..."

  "Don't worry about me, please," Mother begs once more with puppy dog eyes.

  "Fine," I reply, "But I am going to request that Father stays home with you tonight. I will have Ryder take my out, you need someone to stay with you through this,"

  "Fine, as long as you go," She smiles before giving me a hug, as more tears drop down my face.

  Two updates is a row, omg who and I? Anyhow I really hope that you are enjoying my story. Like always any feedback is appreciated, the good and the bad. Also don't forget to help my story out if you like it and vote! Thank you guys, hopefully I will update again soon :)

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