Chapter 11

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"Hey honey, it's time to wake up." I heard a soft voice whisper as I groaned.

"Benny, it's too early in the morning." I grumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

"Come on sweetheart, you need to be prepped for surgery in an hour then they'll put you to sleep again." He said with a dog smile.

"For how long?" I questioned. If they were going to put me to sleep then I had to make sure it was a worthy amount of time.

"Around 2-3 hours." He said with a smile.

"Good enough. I guess." I huffed as Ben helped me sit up straight.

Thankfully the doctors gave me something for the pain otherwise I wouldn't be sitting at all. According to Athena I'm lucky my appendix didn't burst otherwise that would've been a whole other story. Imagine that, my appendix bursting, does that mean I would've blown up too. Oh my god.

"What's wrong? Are you in any pain? You look very pale honey." Ben said worriedly.

"If my appendix did burst, does that mean I would've blown up too." I asked, my voice full of horror.

"No honey, it just would've hurt a little extra. It's okay though because we caught it on time." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Thank god for that. I know I'm cute but I don't know how cute I'd be if I were blown up." I said as I cuddle Mr Bananas.

"Right,  since it's Saturday, Austin and Aiden should be coming soon. They wanted to see you before surgery. Elijah on the other hand was busy." Ben said a little angrily. I could tell he was quite annoyed with Elijah's lack of presence but I'll make him feel guilty about it later.

"Good morning sweetheart." I heart a voice say from the doorway.

"Hey Athena." I said with a grin.

"I see you're already up. How are you feeling?" She asked as she took a seat next to me.

"Ben forced me awake. I'm feeling better. I just can't wait to get this thing out of me before it blows me up." I sighed.

"Blows you up?" She asked amusedly.

"You don't want to know." Ben laughed.

"Okay, one of my interns will be here in a few minutes to prep you for surgery. Please don't bully them." She said with a grin as she kissed my forehead and left the room.

"I am not a bully. Right Ben?" I asked with a smile.

"Erm, I need to call Austin. I'll be right back." He said as he rushed off.

Wow. I'm not mean. Im so kind. Eh, it's fine, people are just jealous of me. If I weren't me then I'd be jealous of me too.

Anyway, I spent the next 20 minutes watching an episode of miraculous ladybug and cat noir. I love that show just as much as I love Dora. And I love her so so much.

"Everly Carter?" I heard a voice say from the doorway.

"Nope it's Marinette Dupenchang." I said without looking away from the tv.

"Ahh so you're ladybug." The voice said which immediately made me turn my head in their direction.

"How did you know?!" I said with a loud gasp.

"I know everything ladybug. I'm Dr Karev but you can call me Alex. Now, where are your parents?" He said as he flipped the pages of a folder with my name on it.

"Don't have any." I said as I looked away from him and focused on cat noir flirting with ladybug.

"Do you think ladybug and cat noir will get married?" I asked him before he could say anything.

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