chapter 18 ~ help

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•mature language

//Dreams pov

I stare at him for a few seconds, attempting to process what hes just said.

"What?" I finally manage to say.

"I want you to come back to London with me" he says, still smiling. "Obviously not to stay, just for a week or two" he adds on.

I dont know what to say. Of course im gonna go with him, but id never even thought the conversation was gonna go this way. I never knew this wouldve been one of my options, so im still half shocked.

"Do you not want to come?" he asks me, his smile starting to fade. Its only now that I realize how long I mustve been quiet for.

I cant even answer him, I just pull his face up to mine and start to kiss him again.

I eventually pull back slightly, my face still close to his.

"Of course I want to come" I tell him, and I can see a smile start to appear across his face.

He looks like he might start laughing like he had been earlier, and now I understand why.

I dont have to leave George, im going with him.

Im not feeling the slightest bit tired anymore, but I can see George looks dazed. He rolls off my lap and lays down beside me.

I slide myself down off the wall and lay down beside him, putting a hand behind my head. George leans over and lays himself in to my chest, and I pull the blankets up over him.

"We can talk more about it tommorow, okay?" I say to him, and he nods in response.

I play with his hair as I let him fall back asleep whilst I listen to the sound of his steady breath.

Im not sure how long it takes, but George does eventually fall asleep. I dont stop rubbing his hair, since im doing it now without acknowledging it.

Its quiet now, and I can hear the cars and the people in the city below us. But up here, theres just silence. Im pretty sure Ranboo and Tommy have gone asleep too.

And this is when I let myself start to think.

Im starting to see Sapnaps side now, is it really fair to let all of this go ahead without telling George? Ive already misjudged him once with the whole London situation, so maybe ive done it again. Maybe he wont care that im Clay.

But theres still that small voice in the back of my head saying no.

And right now that voice is winning.

The voice still has a valid point, what if he does care? Its so easy for him to walk away at any point that it scares me. Ive become so used to having him here with me that I dont know what ill do without him.

I wish I could just have another point of view, from one that didnt come from me or Sapnap, someone who I can trust but is looking at the situation from an unbiased perspective.

I can feel the idea start to form in my head before I can block it out.

I battle with the pros and cons of this new plan, but I know im already going to go through with it. I dont know if its a good or terrible idea, but I cant deal with these thoughts on my own anymore.

I slowly slide myself out of Georges grip, and surely enough he doesnt wake up. I pull the blankets up over him again before turning and slipping out past my bedroom door.

I walk down the hallway before holding out my hand and twisting the handle on Ranboos bedroom door.

I peek in and Tommys in Ranboos bed fast asleep, but Ranboos on the floor with his phone in his hand, laying on a bed made up out of blankets.

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