You should burn unwanted permission slips

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"This year's field trip is too...

Stark Tower!" Mr Harrington yelled. Cheers sounded across the room. 

Peter Stark groaned and sunk lower into his chair. Great, he thought. Another chance to be embarrassed. Classic Parker luck strikes again. What am I going to do?!

*******************THIS TIME-SKIP WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY BOB********************

Peter sat in the sleek black car with Happy, on his way back to Stark Tower. Yes... Peter's adoptive father was the Tony Stark, owner of the Stark Tower. So naturally, Peter's school trip was to his home.

What if they found out his secret? Oh yes! He could burn the permission slip, or rip it- no, Tony would see it in the bin.

Peter sighed loudly. Happy turned his head to eye the boy through the mirror. 

"Hey, kid, what's up? You've been quiet for the whole journey, and that's not normal." He said.

"Nothing, Happy." Happy nodded, unconvinced. 

"Then what was that long sigh for?" Peter peeped his head up, and saw the head of security looking at him in a mirror with an eyebrow raised. Peter thought about the risk, and decided to tell him the problem.

"Well... as long as you don't tell anyone..." Peter began, "There's this school trip. This year, it's too..... Stark Towers."

Happy blinked, before bursting out in laughter, "That's what you're worried about? God, That's hilarious!" He continued to laugh.

By the time they had reached the tower, he had calmed enough to say goodbye, before letting the boy out and driving away, leaving nothing but a dust trail.

**********************THIS TIME-SKIP WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY DAMASEN*********************

At dinner, Natasha gave him a random evil smirk.

"So..." she said, casually twirling the permission slip in her fingers, "I heard that you have a school trip?" 

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