Lost Lovers Part 1

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Third Person POV
(Arabic)"Okay, Fairies. We will have someone special joining us in practice today. Damian Al Gul, the future Demon's Head," the assassin tells the children ranged 4-7 that would eventually be the fairies of the league. The 'Fairies' were a special group in the league. They were trained to go on the more life-threatening missions, often leading to their deaths. "Remember," the one leading the session continues, "if you lose... you will receive the same punishment as usual."

He glares at one of the Fairies in training as Damian watches. "Except... you, Marinette. You will get the same punishment as the person in last place unless you get first and your punishment will be doubled if you're are near the bottom," she sneers. The bluenette looks annoyed, but nods.

The way this training went was all of them sparing against each other. Everyone spared this each other, the previous session deciding who spars with who first. If you lose, you had to move to spar with someone else. The first to lose to everyone gets last and eventually, the people who haven't moved get split and begin sparing with each other until only one person remains. The person that gets last faces severe punishment. Marinette was different than the rest of the training Fairies. She, brought by her grandmother, purposely lost. (Damian and Marinette are 5)

They slowly got their places, Damian beating every one of them long before the timer ran out. Marinette waited till the final second to win, dancing and gliding around the area with ease and dodging the other's attacks like they were nothing to pass the time. This continues till only first and second place was to be figured out. Damian and Marinette.

"Marinette," the trainer grits. "If you continue this you will still face punishment, even if you win, and if you don't you will face the worse one."

She rolls her eyes at the trainer and Damian sneers, "She won't win."

"That's it," Marinette sighs tiredly. "Let's get your ass whooping over with. I'm getting bored." He growls and they begin. Before he can even get a move in he's on the floor and she wins. "Okay..." she drags out, "now that that's out of the way, can we get breakfast?" she cocks her head sideways with an annoying smirk.

After that, the two of them seemed to constantly run into each other until they eventually began meeting each other...

Marinette softly giggles as she and Damian stroll along in pitch darkness. Hands intertwined. "I can't believe that you're laughing at your own story, Angel," Damian speaks softly into her ear. They needed to be quiet as to not be caught. He began calling her Angel after she explained why she didn't like the thought of killing when there could be another way.

"Because it was funny, Dami!" she smiles. "I'm glad that you're back from your mission..."

"You've already mentioned so five times, Marinette," he teases.

"Sorry for being worried about you for the past week," she replies, leaning into him. "We might be eight, but I care about you more than anybody in the world."

"I know, Habibiti. The same goes for me," he whispers as they stop walking for a bit. Pressing each other's foreheads together while smiling goofily at each other. Well, Marinette smiling goofily at him. Damian smiling the most that did.

"I've caught you," Talia sneers. Startling the two children. They quickly separated hands and made it seem as if they were just breaking out and talking instead of sneaking out to hang out romantically, well as romantically as eight-year-old assassins could. Being friends was bad enough. Especially since Damian's the future Demon's Head, but they were somewhat romantically involved and romance was a big no for Damian. "Oh, stop it. I've seen what the two of you have been doing for the past five minutes. Congratulations, the two of you will never see each other again and Marinette, well-" she smirks.

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