37: Maybe Perfect

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Chapter 37

The next couple of days passed and I found myself to be constantly happy. Maybe it was because of the snow that dusted the ground or maybe it was because of the adorably sweet guy that’s been consuming all of my thoughts, but whatever the reason, I was happy.

I had talked to Blake a couple of times over the weekend and it seemed that his mood had been lifted from where it had been on Thursday. I was secretly hoping that he had actually taken a chance and called Dillon because they seemed to get along great and would look amazing as a couple. I had to remind myself countless times not to get involved because only time would tell if they were meant to be together.

My happiness lasted well past the weekend however, come Tuesday, I found out that Blake had unknowingly left a present for me at my house.

His germs.

Apparently when he had walked here in the treacherous snow conditions he was still slightly contagious with the sickness that had been plaguing him only days before. Thanks to his little gift, I was now cooped up in my room, all alone, with only my warm blankets to keep me company.

When I had woken in the early hours of the morning, I had felt a little disoriented and dizzy as I usually never awoke before my alarm went off. A few seconds after, I realized that the feeling I was getting was actually a churning in my stomach. Hopping up off of my bed, I bolted to my en-suite bathroom and reached the toilet just in time for Monday night’s supper to reappear.

Since then, my aunt had been in my room to check on me various times throughout the night as I only seemed to be sleeping in thirty minute intervals before having to rush to the bathroom again to upchuck. However, once the time on my clock reached six thirty, my aunt and uncle had to leave for work.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay all by yourself?” Mary asked, sitting on the edge of my bed while she rubbed circles on my back.

I nodded slowly so another dizzy spell wouldn’t hit me. “I’m sure.” I wheezed out in a very quiet voice.

Biting her lip in a worried way, Mary nodded slowly. “Okay, but if anything happens please call and me or Dennis will come rushing home to take care of our little girl.” she replied.

I smiled slightly. “I’m not a little girl anymore.” I whispered, snuggling into my blankets more as a wave of sleepiness passed over me.

Before slipping into dreamland once again, I heard Mary get up from my bed and start to leave my room. “You’ll always be a little girl to me.” she replied quietly, leaving my room as I fell into a much needed slumber.

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