Thirty nine

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''You...'' my father threateningly whispers, holding his finger into the air as he narrows his eyes at Levi. He takes a step forward, still pointing his finger and the man in front of him. Levi doesn't move except for raising his head a little.

''And you,'' he suddenly points his finger at me. My heart ached to see the disappointment in my fathers' eyes. ''He lost his fucking job because of you! Y/N, don't you see realise what mess you've made?!''

I raise my brows whilst my jaw drops, shocked because of my fathers' words. So Erwin found out. Great. My eyes downcast as I let my arms hang loosely at my sides. The words of my father got muffled as I stopped paying attention to him, realisation hitting me. This had to be the end of Levi and I's relationship and he lost his job because of it.

There was no way in hell my father would let me be in a relationship with him and even though I am not a minor, he would forbid me from seeing him.

Our love would be forbidden just like it was before.

Our forbidden love.

My eyes shot up at Levi, who looked directly into my father's eyes, who stared back at him. It was awkward, none of us said a word. ''Erwin, I am so sorry,'' my father apologised to him, getting a nod as a response from the man. ''It's not entirely her fault,'' Erwin said after a few seconds.

''But she should have thought twice about this. I'm so sorry. I'm so disappointed in her and so would her mother be.''


I clenched my jaw as I let out a quiet chuckle. It was so easy for him to just talk crap about her and move on so quickly. Maybe he was right and maybe he wasn't, but he had no reason to say it. He had no reason to make me feel shittier about the situation.

''Well, fuck you. You're the one to talk. As if mom would be happy with the way you're handling things.''

I looked up at my father with a vague smile on my face as he stared back at me with narrowed eyes, I just know he was getting angrier by the second. My eyes shifted to Levi as his 'tch' noise caught my attention.

''Have some respect for your father, brat,'' he spat out, ''Erwin, I'll take my leave now. Mister L/N, I apologise for my mistakes.''

I raise a brow at Levi who avoids eye contact, walking past me without saying another word. I wasn't going to lie, his words hurt. It was the way he said it. I wasn't used to him being mean anymore. ''Wait,'' I muttered under my breath, but nobody heard me. I gulped as I looked at Erwin, who opened the door for my father and me.

''Take a seat, Hiroshi, Y/N,'' Erwin said with a deep voice, pointing at the two chairs in front of his desk. I sat down, playing with my earring as I stared off at nothing. Erwin cleared his throat, ''I've already explained the situation, but I've wanted to talk about what this means to Y/N as a student here at this school.

I rolled my eyes, he's going to expel me, that's for sure. I took a deep breath as I moved my leg over the other, sinking a little back into the chair to get comfortable and lean my hand on my knuckles as I continue to listen to Erwin.

''I'm not going to expel you.''

I sat there with my mouth agape, completely surprised by him. I avoided eye contact with my father, but I think he feels the same way, surprised. ''She's allowed to stay at this school?'' he said, his tone as happy as ever, ''thank goodness! Did you hear that, Y/N? Erwin is giving you a second chance!''

''It's not a second chance,'' Erwin's expression remained the same and he said with a dire voice; ''I can't accept her choices, of course. I have to take responsibly for those— so does she. She's allowed to finish the school year here, but after that, she has to go.''

''And start over again? I know what—''

''You've done this to yourself, Y/N,'' my father silenced me, ''if you never fell in love with your teacher, you could have graduated at this school. this was all in your hands and you've ruined your own chances! You need to realise how—''

''Well, well, I don't think there's a reason to scold her here, right now. She's young and people make mistakes. Let's just hope she learns from it.''

''I'm sorry,'' I whisper.

''You're sorry?'' my father continues his rambling, ''you're sorry? You're lucky the only thing that happened is him losing his job. He could have ended up in jail!''

I narrowed my eyes at him and I blinked away the tears that started to form into my eyes. ''What the hell do you want me to do then, dad?'' I said abruptly, tilting my head to the side a little, ''I've fucked up, I know. But what can I do about it? Principal Smith, what can I do for Levi?!''

''Y/N, calm down,'' he said with a calm voice, his eyes softening because of the guilt he heard in my voice, ''your relationship with Levi caused him to lose his job, that is true, but see it on the bright side. Your father is right, all that happened is he lost his job. I could have gotten the police involved. Even though both of you are over eighteen, dating your teacher is still illegal and wrong.''

I didn't speak.

''Hiroshi, Levi is also wrong in this situation. It's not only your daughter's fault, please go a little easier on her.''

Why did I have to meet Levi here?

Why did he have to be my teacher?

None of this would have happened if I just met him somewhere else.

I shook my head slowly from side to side, feeling defeated. I know there was nothing I could do about this and from what I saw, Levi is done with me too. ''Fine,'' I breathed out, ''can I go now?''

Erwin thought for a second before nodding and I stood up the second I got permission to leave. My heart felt heavy, but I had to talk to Levi. I had to talk to him one last time before he was going to walk out of my life forever. I have to apologise to him.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now