Carrie white x reader

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A/N ok so I'm writing this at 3 AM so sorry if it sounds a little rushed but I just got a bunch of ideas and I wanted to write something. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I also just realized I've written 2 chapters in a day! YAY anyway enjoy! 

Look how cute Carrie looks in the photo, I love her smile so much! 

Warning this is a long-ass chapter. 


Carrie was bullied a lot and that always pissed you off. You wanted to be there for her and protect her, you'd do anything to keep her safe. And although you couldn't really do anything about her mother, the least you could do was keep her safe at school. 

Every day at lunch you and Carrie would hang out and study together, either in the school library or out in the gorgeous sunshine. But this day Carrie was late, the thing with Carrie is she's never late, it just wasn't like her. You knew she had gym class before lunch so you decided to go check and see if she was still in there. 

As you approached the gym you heard laughter coming from the changing rooms. Carrie never really got along with the other girls and you couldn't hear her sweet laughter so you knew it wasn't coming from her. The girls were probably telling jokes and playing about. 

Not wanting to be rude and bursting into the changing rooms, you decided to wait outside patiently and surprise your girlfriend when she came out. As you were waiting and with nothing else to do you decided to listen in on the conversation that was happening in the changing rooms. Nothing really worth listening to, just girly talk about boys and makeup. You were about to lose interest when a girl shouted, " Hey look Carrie got her period!" after she said that the whole room started laughing and the only other noise you could hear was the terrified screams and cries coming from Carrie, pleading for someone to help her. Rage consumed you and you burst through the door running to where the group of girls was. They were crowded around a corner throwing sanitary products and chanting " plug it up, plug it up, plug it up, plug it up" while laughing like donkeys. 

You pushed past them looking down to see a scared Carrie curled up in a ball crying on the floor alone, afraid and half-naked, she was only in a towel! You ran to her and covered her with your jacket. Once you saw it was you, she grabbed you and held on for dear life still screaming and crying. You tried your best to calm her down. " Carrie, are you ok?!" She looked traumatized! Her hands covered in blood, she was cold and wet. You stared at the girls, and oh boy if looks could kill you'd be wanted for murder. Once they saw the look you have given them they finally went silent. Carrie started to cry into your shoulder starting to slightly calm down. 

" Aw, Carrie you got yourself a girlfriend to protect you did ya?" Chris said with a bitchy tone. The girls started laughing again. You were about to get up and beat some ass but then Miss Collins, the gym teacher, came running into the changing rooms. 

" What is going on in here?!" The group fell silent and the only things being heard were the soft cries coming from Carrie and the mumbles and giggles coming from the group. Miss Collins pushed through the wave of girls and finally made her way to you and Carrie.  " W-what happened here?!" little giggles were coming from the group. " well?!"  " Carrie got her period miss and we were just-" a girl from the group started " You were just what? Hm?" The group fell silent again. "That's what I thought. Now all of you finish getting changed then leave." The girls did as they were told still giggling and looking back before finally making their way out of the changing rooms and into the main school. 

You turned back to Carrie as Miss Collins ran over to you both. " Are you ok Carrie?" you said to her still holding her in your arms and lightly taking a hold of her head in your hand making her look at you. Miss collins helped you and Carrie up. "A-am I dying??"  Carrie said petrified. You were about to reassure her when miss collins jumped in and said "No dear, you're not dying, you just got your period don't worry it's normal. Go finish getting changed then Y/N will take you to the bathroom and will get you a pad, then when you finished come to the principles office, I'll be there waiting for you ok?"

Carrie agreed and went off to finish getting changed. After she was done you took her to the bathroom and explained to her what to do with the pad. She came out from the bathroom stall still looking shaken up and scared, the two of you stared at each other before embracing. She started to cry again and so did you, it pained you to see the one you love this way, scared and frightened. " Oh, Carrie. I-i'm so so sorry this happened to you," you said to her while stroking her hair and rubbing her back. " Are you ok?" you asked her, looking her in the face while your hand brushed against her cheek wiping away her tears. " y-yeah," she said with a sigh. " I was just so scared. I thought I was dying, I had no idea what was happening to me!" she looked so scared, all you could do was hold her and comfort her. " I know sweetheart, I know, it can be very scary. Especially when you don't know what's happening, did your mother ever mention this to you? Did she ever explain to you what happens when you start to become a woman?" you asked her still stroking her cheek and brushing her hair, while her body was pressed close to yours. " N-no mama never mentioned this. Oh god, am I gonna go to hell?! Oh no what if mama gets mad at me?" " Carrie don't worry calm down, you're not going to hell. you're just becoming a lady, every woman gets it and it's not a sin or something to be ashamed about!"

 you too both shared a final hug before pulling away. Carrie wiped her eyes before taking in a big sigh of relief. " Thank you Y/N," she said with a smile. you cupped your hand on her cheek, you kissed her forehead. " it's ok sweetheart. now come on let's go to the principles office and talk to Miss Collins. " 

The two of you made your way to the office were miss collins and the principal was. After Miss Collins explained the whole reproduction and menstrual cycle to Carrie, the principal agreed to let Carrie go home and take the rest of the day off, she had been through a lot and she deserved to take a nice hot bath and get some sleep. You offered to walk her home to which the two teachers agreed. 

Carrie and yourself started the journey back home, it wasn't very far and you too lived relatively close, you lived on the same street. " Hey, Carrie?" you said to her breaking the silence. you both had been walking for 5 minutes and hadn't said a word to each other, you were just walking hand in hand thinking things over. " yeah Y/N?" "I just wanted you to know that I will always be there for you, and I will always be here to protect you and take care of you in your time of need. and you can tell me anything , if anything is bothering you or if someone is bullying you. I will never judge you because I love you so much and it pains me to see you so sad. I just wish I could make you happy." a single tear ran down your face as you looked down at your feet. Carrie raised her hand up and lifted your chin, looking into your E/C eyes while her blue orbs stared back. " Thank you so much Y/N that means so much to me, knowing you care about me, no one ever cared so much before really. I love you so much as well and being with you already makes me happy!" she said with a beaming smile. You pulled her into a tight hug,  the two of you stayed there for a while, before coming back to reality. It was getting dark and Carries mom would start to get angry. 

You kept on walking and soon made it to carries house. You walked her to her front door and gave her one last hug goodbye and kissed her passionately. She kissed you back quickly pulling away and blushing. You wished her goodnight, she said goodnight to you and gave one final glance before closing the door. You walked down her patio steps, making your way to your own house. You went in and ran upstairs into your room collapsing on your bed from exhaustion. 


Total words 1555!!!!!!!! 

WOAH! THAT WAS LONG. It is now 5:44 AM so I have been writing this for more than 3 hours! I hope you all loved this story as much as I loved writing it. I love Carrie so much she is such an amazing character and deserved so much more. Anyway, I'm going to sleep now at 5:44 in the morning and I'm probably gonna wake up at like 3 in the afternoon. my sleep schedule is trashed. I'll probably post another chapter later today. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH STAY HYDRATED!!!! 

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