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I whispered in Vallyks ear

Leilani : Lets finish this upstairs


I was waking up and felt my head pounding, once my eyes were finally opened I was staring at nothing, everything was pitch black.

I tried to move but I felt my hands tied to something. My legs were tied together aswell. I tried to speak but my mouth was taped.


I heard a click and a lights flashed on, my eyes twitched from the bright lights.   I saw Mattia and behind him were the two men that kidnapped melody

Mattia: surprise!

I rolled my eyes, ew

Mattia: dont roll your eyes at me, bring her to me.
Leilain: MmmMMMmm!!!

They were walking up and my eye went wide. I tried to scream but I couldnt ;(.

Leilani: mmMmMmMM!!!

I tried kicking and dragging myself away but my body was just too weak.

They threw me to the ground.

Mattia chuckled as he squatted to the ground. He moved my hair out of my face and put his finger under my chin to raise my head.

I turned my head so that he wouldnt touch me. Mattia got mad and pushed my head hard. My head was still pounding and I was starting to feel dizzy.

Mattia ripped the tape off my mouth and gave me some advil and a bottle of water. He untied my hands but made sure hes two servants were near by 🙄.

I grabbed the water bottle and threw it at him.

Leilani: haha id rather have a headache than accept water from you.
Mattia: I was tryna be nice but ok.
Leilani: Nice my ass
Mattia: I still like you..
Leilani: fuck you, how abt you shove those feelings up your ass and eat jennas face off.
Mattia: speaking of jenna

Mattia clicks hes fingers and these three hoes come out....

Jenna, Bella and Karen walked out with bats....

I got scared as the girls surronded me

Mattia and his side men stepped back

As they were banging the bats on their hands, Mattia clicked his fingers

My eyes widened, I rolled my body away from them, got up and ran, but the girls chased after me.

I kept looking behind me but they kept getting closer and closer

I soon forgot I was weak and  fell to the ground.

I curled up into a ball and I soon heard a loud BANG.....

A/n: heyyyy.....listen, im so sorry for how long it took for me to update, ima junior in hs and ive had so much stuff to get done. I hope you enjoy this new chap and sorry that its kinda short. Tysm for 25.7K reads, im so surprised on how much this book has grown, ty again 🤧❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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