Detention for 2.

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"Um I'm going to be home a little later," I said speaking into my phone, "Why?" My grandma asked, "Um... School thing, today and tomorrow," it wasn't a complete lie. Detention was at school and the word 'thing' was very broad. "Alright, so I'll see you soon. We're just going to get take out for dinner if that's alright." She said it as if take out was a bad thing.

"Love you, sweet pea."
"Bye." It was awkward to say "I love you," to her because I met her for the first time in June and its September. It would take some time I guess, I put my phone away and walked into the classroom where they held detention. No one was in the room except a teacher who I hoped was breathing, it was an older teacher who appeared to be sleeping, I put my back pack on the chair and sat beside it. Rules were written out on the board.

No sleeping.
No talking.
No phones.
No eating.

Seemed pretty legitimate, the teacher was still out cold, I pulled out a note book and started to doodle swirly patterns and things like that. The door clicked open and there stood a tall blonde boy who I didn't really like. "So the hell begins," I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Yeah it started the minute you decided to pick a fight with me." I said turning to look at him.

"Tomato potato, same shit, different pile."
I went back to doodling, then without another thought, I said something. "Why did you do that? You know trap me in the music room in the dark?"

He pulled out a pack of cards from his backpack and started to shuffle them, "look, there is a food chain, I'm the most dominant out of the whole student body. I decide who can be around me or not, you, are like plankton on the food chain. Not very important and no one really cares about you."
That one sort of stung, I didn't show it. "Your girlfriend seemed to care for me, I heard her tell you off from the girls bathroom."

"That's because she isn't used to how this whole status thing works, she's a royal but more one of the people."

"You're ridiculous, I don't see what Rebecca sees in you."

"Oh is that all you got?" He asked in a condescending tone.

"I just hope she realizes that you aren't worth her time, she could do so much better than you." I grumbled.

He touched his heart as if he was hurt, "ouch, who pissed in your Cheerios?"
I turned back to glare at him as he hopped up on a table. He cupped both of his hands into fists and hurtled them into his stomach as if he stabbed himself with a sword. He made a weird noise as if he was dying, then laid on the table.
The detention was slow and painful but after an hour of no more conversation, thank god, we were allowed to go home. The teacher finally woke up and let us out of the room, I grabbed my books and bag and was on my way.

My walk home was short which was nice because I was so incredibly tired, I opened the door and tried to get upstairs as fast as I could but my grandma came through the kitchen door before I could even take a step. "Hey! How's was your first day?" She seemed more excited than she should be. My lip twitched and I tried to create a smile, "it was okay. I'm playing piano in music and I made two friends."

Her face lit up with excitement, "that's great! I ordered Chinese for dinner."
That Chinese food is going to be the high light of my day. The food came and we sat down at the kitchen table, I was hoping she wouldn't ask about why I stayed after school, judging I didn't give her much information but alas, she dropped the bomb.
"So what did you do after school?"
"Uh.." I had to think fast, "Um, I was helping Mr. Coleman with tuning some of the instruments."

"Oh that's nice, I was meaning to call him. I'll call him after dinner to ask him how your doing."
"No!" I almost yelled, he furrowed her eyebrows and put her glass of water down. "Why not?" making up an even bigger lie wouldn't help, might as well tell her.
I sighed, "I wasn't helping Mr. Coleman, I was in detention."

She crossed her arms had a blank, disapproving stare. "Detention? On the first day? Come on Natalie!"
"It wasn't my fault, this guy and I got into a little argument at music and he was getting all worked up about it and gave me a heard time the rest of the day. Then we sort of got into a little fight during gym."

"It sounds like it was as much as your fault as it is, his," she said. "It isn't though, he was telling me off because I also play piano like him and he didn't want me near Mr.Coleman's piano. Than we were butting heads all day because I had the nerve to tell him off and then, yeah.," my reasoning wasn't that good.

"What's this boy's name?"
His name made me cringe, "Killian."
I think she recognized the name, "Well does the boy have a last name?"
"Wolfe." He eyes perked up immediately, "the Wolfe's! Such a lovely family and such a lovely boy."

"Uh no! He's evil and he's kind of a jerk."
"No he isn't, maybe you just like him and your afraid to show it." That made me laugh hard. "Yeah right! After what he did to me, fat chance."
"And what did he do to you?"

Crap, no escaping this one. "Um," I started to stutter, "well, spit it out!" My grandmother groaned, "someone pushed me into a dark room and Killian was in there and pulled me down, covering my mouth so no one could hear my screaming. He had also locked the door so I couldn't get out, and when the lights turned back on, he had a scream mask on."

"Well, I'll be calling his parents," she got up from the table and I grabbed her wrist. "No! Don't! I can deal with this."
"Well all right but I could just call."

"No, it will only make it worse. Just let me handle it," I begged her. She shrugged her shoulders, "okay, okay."
I knew that she was going to start medaling but I didn't know how, I ran upstairs to my bedroom. I had lived here two months and I still hadn't unpacked completely, I guess it was an instinct, I had been constantly moving around since I was 10.
The tone for a notification went off and I zipped to my laptop. I opened the window to see 5 or 6 friend requests.

"Wow, that was fast," I muttered, I checked all of them. "Jamison Blackwell, Rebecca Chase, Graham Ross," I read to myself, I kept looking at them. then one name made me do a double take, "Killiam!?" I almost yelled. Why would anyone friend request their foe?

Sorry for the short chapter, I have plans for a really cool chapter next.

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