5 years before Tangled

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"Alright boys, whats the job for today?" Flynn asked the brothers. The Stabbington brothers looked up at him, already annoyed with his presence. But they worked well together when it came to jobs. They were pure muscle and he, well he was quite quick and agile. He was also much small than the tow mountains that stood in front of him, making it much easier for him to slip into places than it was for them.

"You see this road right here?" the brother with the sideburns asked, "Well today around midday, a royal carriage from a nearby kingdom is scheduled to come through."

"And can you guess what it is filled with?" the brother with the eyepatch asked.

"I'm guessing from the look of your two faces, its gold, and lots of it," Flynn retorted.

"Oh yeah, enough for us to split and last at least a few years on each," Patchy said.

"Then by the time that runs out, well have a plan for our next target," Sideburns finished.

"And I'm guessing your plan is to stop them in the road, knock them out before they know whats coming, while I drop onto the carriage from a nearby tree, knocking out the royalty in the carriage, then grab all the gold in there."

"Oh, yeah, that's totally what we're doing," Patchy replied.

"By the tone of your voice, I'm taking it you didn't have a plan or had a very bad plan, and you like mine, so thats what we're going to do."

And they did just that, then disappeared before the royalty in that carriage knew what hit them.

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