New People - Chapter 2

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Word Count: 1,105

~Tommy's POV~

Tubbo and I were walking around this big jungle, we'd see lots of pandas with baby pandas following them around, we would also see a lot of parrots flying around. It felt like we were walking through an endless jungle, too much walking and shit. We were just taking a stroll, getting some fresh air since we were somehow stuck in Tubbo's room for 4 hours. How? Well... let's say someone accidentally locked the door from the outside. Nobody noticed until Ranboo came over and unlocked the door. It was hot in Tubbo's room so we were both sweating a lot. Good thing it's a bit cold outside, anyways... while we were walking around we heard footsteps, three different pairs of footsteps. We stopped and listened to see if someone was coming towards us.

"It's not my fault the portal broke Harry" we heard a guy say, from the sound of his voice he sounds about around Dream's age, just a bit younger.

"Yes it was your fault Sap, your stupid powers broke a piece of obsidian! Hailey will obviously side with me with this, it was definitely your fault " another guy said, he sounded older... I assume he is the one the younger call Harry, and the younger is Sap? 

"Calm down Harry, the three of us didn't know Sapnap's powers were going to go off and break the portal, and I'm definitely not siding with you" A young girl said, she sounded younger than the two males, I guess she is Hailey. The three people began to argue while Tubbo and I stared at each other and kept listening.

"Who do you think these people are?" Tubbo whispered to me.

"I have no idea.. maybe we should go find them? They seem to be lost.. and what do you think they mean about breaking the portal, did they break the portal that Wilbur and Ranboo made to the Nether?" I questioned, taking a look to see if anyone was coming closer.

"Well, it's the only portal we have so I guess so... and sure, let's go find them" Tubbo responded, we began walking towards the way we heard the voices. Every step we took, the closer we got until we saw three figures...

"Guess we can forget about getting back to the Nether before father wakes up" the guy we assume is Sap, said.

"The Nether is our home Sapnap, start calling it that, and might as well call our father 'sir' since you basically follow all his rules and deal with all his bullshit" The guy named Harry responded... but how is the Nether their home?

"ugh, Harry.. Sapnap can call our home whatever he wants, and stop bringing up dad... all we need to worry about is getting back and then we'll worry about dad and mom.." the girl said, their voices were getting louder until we were standing right in front of them.. they looked like siblings.

"Uh... hi?" Tubbo said, waving and catching the attention of the three people.

"Sapnap, Hailey.. stand behind me" the older guy said, he looked a bit intimidating.. but not as much as the one named Sapnap.

"Actually, you stand behind me" the guy named Sapnap said, pushing the older behind him, "who are you?"

"I'm Tubbo and this is my friend Tommy" I waved and the girl waved back, she seems more kind than the other two, "you don't have to look so intimidating, we aren't going to hurt you"

"Oh don't worry, Sapnap always looks intimidating" Hailey said with a sweet smile, putting a hand on Sapnap's shoulder and calming him down.

"What are your names?" I asked, wondering if the names we heard are actually theirs.

"This is Harry, he is my older brother, this is Sapnap he is my second older brother, and I'm Hailey, the youngest" so they are siblings.. huh.

"Why don't you three come with us, we'll introduce you to all our friends and you can tell us about you" Tubbo said, Sapnap shrugged and began following Tubbo, Hailey holding onto his arm and Harry was following behind the us. While we walked, we ran into a few pandas which kept distracting Sapnap.

"You remind me of a panda" Harry said when Sapnap stopped and stared at a panda, lightly patting it's head.

"How so?" Sapnap asked, Hailey, Harry, Tubbo and I looked at each other and Harry began talking.

"Well, you wear black and white, you have black hair, you sleep like a panda, you only get 2-4 hours of sleep like pandas, you have bags under your eyes which make you look like a panda" Harry said, Sapnap rolled his eyes and grabbed a piece of bamboo, giving it to a little panda he found trying to reach it. We decided to continue walking, nearing a big area with houses. We were lucky arrive with everyone outside hanging out.

"Guys! Look who we found wondering around that big jungle!" Tubbo said, everyone turned to us and stared at Harry, Sapnap and Hailey. Dream got up and walked over to us, eyeing the three of them.

"Who are these people?" Dream asked.

"Well, this is Harry, Sapnap and Hailey, they are siblings" I said, Dream nodded as he took a step back.

"Why don't we all go to my place, you three can rest for a bit" Dream said, motioning for everyone to follow him, also motioning for Sapnap to walk next to him.

~Dream's POV~

The boy named Sapnap took a moment to come over to me, since his sister kept a strong hold on his arm. Once he managed to walk next to me, I was able to take a closer look at him and noticed how intimidating he looked, not like it works on me but it sure would work on everyone else.

"So Sapnap, you seem to be the one who is the smartest and strongest out of your siblings" I said, hearing Sapnap chuckle.

"I am, I'm highly advanced in self defense and I have fire powers, not like you would believe that without proof though" It's true, I don't believe since there isn't proof, but I sure do believe the self defense part. I hummed and eyed Sapnap, he's a bit smaller than me but the same height as Tommy. 

"Until you show me proof, you're just some new person Tommy and Tubbo found who is strong, well.. I doubt you're as strong as me" I said, Sapnap looked at me straight in the eyes, I looked at him and noticed there was a red glow in his eyes, something I didn't see in Harry's and Hailey's eyes. We all continued to walk to my place, good thing it's big enough for everyone.  

Different / A DreamNap Love Story / Demonic_0Where stories live. Discover now