One Galaxy Away | xXOneMoreChapterXx

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It's the Year 2045. Space Travel has become far more convenient- but not for Raye. For Raye, it only speaks of pain and lost memories.

16-year-old Rayelyn Eraz has only ever known the endless stars, always and forever taunting her. Reminding her she is all alone. Trapped, terrified, lonely. She hasn't had human contact in years, after her father sent her away, ensured she would never come home.

So when an accidental landing at Planet 45-3K shows that she isn't the only human out there, Raye must decide if she can trust these people..or if they have much darker plans, plans that would involve the end of Raye's whole world...


YOUR COVER: (9/10) Your cover is vibrant and unique and represents your genre and story very well. It is professional looking, as well as creative. I can see how it relates to your story concept, and can easily draw in readers from the sci-fi/fantasy genre.

YOUR TITLE: (10/10) Your title is unique, creative, and does a wonderful job at representing your story and plot. It pulls in the right readers from the right genre, and hints at the turn the story takes at. Well done!

YOUR BLURB: (4/5) I was impressed by the clarity of your blurb, as well as the well-constructed sentences you've used. I still have a few suggestions to add, such as including necessary filler words and shortening/tightening some areas. I noticed that you often used Raye's name repetitively in the first few sentences, making the sentences overall sound choppy and awkward. Instead, for the most part, I suggest replacing "Raye" with "her." You also used punctuation that could be replaced with different punctuation as well. If I were to join all these suggestions together, your blurb would look like this (optional, although recommended):

It's the Year 2045. Space Travel has become far more convenient- but not for Raye. For her, it speaks only of pain and lost memories.

16-year-old Rayelyn Eraz has only ever known the endless stars, always and forever taunting her. Reminding her she is all alone. Trapped, terrified, and lonely. She hasn't had human contact in years after her father sent her away, ensuring that she would never come home.

So when an accidental landing at Planet 45-3K shows that she isn't the only human out there, Raye must decide if she can trust these people... or if they have much darker plans; plans that would involve the end of Raye's whole world...

I also noticed that in your blurb, you often had extra spaces between your words, so be on the watch for those. Additionally, notice that in one of your ellipses, you used (..) instead of the necessary (...). I corrected that for you and also added in some restructuring and commas to make the sentences flow more smoothly. Again, this is optional, and I also encourage you to add your own corrections that you deem fit for your blurb.

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