Ground Hog Day?

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Ship: N/A


Tw: Death, suicide, etc 

A/N: I've come up with a lot of random ideas 


He'd decided that it would happen today.

With the cool breeze ruffling his hair and the waves crashing against the shore.

He wouldn't waste time and waste his chance.

He left for the portal and ran over to the bridge almost excitedly. He looked down, already sweating from the heat filled environment.

Tommy readied himself, watching the lava bubble. A small broken smile crossed his lips.

" Here goes nothing. " He whispered before leaping into the lava.

The warmth was comforting.

Until it grew to be too much.

He struggled, bubbles flooding thickly from his mouth before everything grew dark.

He was jolted awake by a cool breeze. Rubbing his eyes he looked around. ' Shouldn't I be dead? ' He thought with a frown, looking at his opaque hands.

He heard a faint splash and chose to ignore it, too focussed on the matter at hand.

" This isn't right. I- I should be dead! I shouldn't remember anything! I should be like Ghostbur! Why Am I still alive? " He wailed hopelessly as he curled up into himself, tears threatening to pour from his eyes.

He sat there for a while. For how long? He was unsure. He just knew it was still light outside right now. He slowly pushed himself to his feet and walked in any direction. There was no way he was staying here.

" What does that leave me at now? negative one life? " He continued mindlessly walking, his hands in his short pockets.

The crunching of snow beneath his feet was soothing, but he couldn't help the tremors that ran through him.

The arctic is cold.

Well, no shit Sherlock. Tommy was absolutely freezing. He spotted his older brother's house in the distance and continued walking towards that, the world swaying around him.

Each trembling step took more effort than the last. His eyes threatened to close on him.

His mind fell blank as he stumbled and collapsed into the snow, a shivering heap.

He struggled to stay awake for a few more fitful minutes before giving up and letting his eyes close.

He was jolted awake by a cool breeze. Rubbing his eyes he looked around. ' Shouldn't I be dead? ' He thought with a frown, looking at his opaque hands.

" Wait wait wait. " He mumbled to himself. " This is the same thing that happened yesterday. He rubbed his eyes and watched a turtle slide back into the water with a quiet splash.

He shook his head and stood up. " This has all got to be some sick joke. A stupid dre- Nightmare. " He shut his eyes tight and reopened them, half expecting to see the barren roof of his tent.

He slumped and crossed his arms, laying against the singular palm tree by the water.

Dream came around to visit later that day. He seemed angry.

" Tommy. " He said dangerously. Tommy blinked up at him.

" I know you're hiding something from me. " He blanched nervously and looked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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