Chapter 20 "to you, long into the future"

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???: "so much have i seen...the past and future...I've seen it happen. I've known how everything would unfold."

[long ago]

???: Raptor! What have you done!?

Raptor: what I should have done long ago Frostraven, giving your creations the power to think for themselves.

*200 dragons begin to turn on the icewings*

Frostraven: STOP! RETURN TO YOUR CELLS! I COMMAND IT! *he dives out of the way before a large chunk of ice could hit him* i can't get control over them.....what did-*sees Raptor escape with Sandyclaws* RAPTOR! *he bolts after him*

[end flashback]

Frostraven: for so long....I have attempted to warn myself, tried to protect my queen and stop her death.

[long ago]

*Frost raven makes an animus staff a lot like the one he originally used and leaves a message with it in a cave somewhere*

Sandyclaws: *to himself* What is master Frostraven doing...?

[end flashback]

Frostraven: but i can exact my, i shall KILL those meddling dragonets! Make them suffer as i have after my failures! *he breaks out of the icewing monument and swims for the surface* FREE! *he test out his animus magic* yes....i still have POWER! *he begins his preparations for revenge* but first...*he sends himself into their dreams* a message.


Red: *looking around* what....this isn't right...

Frostraven: least favorite out of your little pack of cowards and mindless fools.

Red: *closes his eyes* you're not real. You're not real, you're just a nightmare. You are not here at all-

Frostraven: oh but i am very real. For you see, I have been planning this for a very long time now.

Red: what do you want...

Frostraven: to kill all of you! *laughs distorting the dream scape*

Red: what is-*he sees everything is destroyed and everyone he cared for is dead*-no!

Frostraven: this is how your story ends little freak! My revenge is now! *laughs as he fades out of the dream scape*


[the school]

Red: *snaps awake a little afraid* what nightmare have I brought upon us.....

Queen Duna: *turns over* What's wrong?

Red: *still afraid* I....I don't know but I-

Ocelot: *pokes his head out* you have that same nightmare to huh?

Red: he lives.....

Ocelot: yeah. Come on. We've got to make sure the others aren't panicking.

Red: right.....*hugs Duna* please...... please stay safe while I'm away....please don't get yourself hurt no matter what happens to me....

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