Chapter 1: Jealousy Won

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My heightened hearing heard Gary's light but fast footsteps from all the way down the hall. The closer he got, the louder his footsteps became.

He bursted through my office door like a man on fire, flailing his arms and jumping up and down.

"My Lord! My Lord!" he yelled sounding excited but I still cringed from the name. It was formal but wasn't what I wanted to hear from my third-in-command and close friend.

I sighed loudly before answering him. "Yes Gary?".

Almost immediately he calmed down, his body tensed as if he remembered who he was talking to.

"Sorry my lord. I mean Alerick. You need to come with me."

"What for?" I asked.

"It's very important."

I stared down at my paperwork and pretended to think about it but I was overly eager to get away from my office, no matter how long it was.

"Fine." I finally answered. "But it better be that important."

Instead of answering, he walked ahead of me. I had to put very little effort to keep up with him.

We walked in silence down the staircase of my castle. It was a smaller one left for my private home and buisness. The bigger castle was for my Beta, Third-in-Command and guests when we had meetings and big social events.

We reached the front of the castle and I was met with my Beta and right hand man, Kent, looking pissed, two guards and a beautiful brunette girl standing between the guards.

"What is going on here?" I said announcing my presence.

At once, all of them, except Kent and Gary, fell to their knees.

Gary rolled his eyes in amusement and Kent stood straighter while still looking upset.

"Please stand and answer my question."

"Good afternoon my lord." The girl spoke up but I didn't let her finish.

"Please just call me Alerick. I only believe in one lord and she is not I." I said honoring our Moon Goddess.

She laughed lowly but didn't continue.

"What is your name ?" I asked taking the lead since I was not receiving any answers.

"I am Rochelle Solomon, Beta of the Artemus pack and I have come here to ask for a favor."

She sounded serious and official that I had no choice but to respect her and Kent looked no longer angry but proud. I took note of that.

"What is your favor?" I asked taking a closer step towards her. The guards took this as an invite to take another step and shield her away from me which caused Kent to growl.

"She is no harm to me. She is simply here for a favor. Step down."

They bowed their heads and left the room leaving Gary and I facing Kent and Rochelle.

Rochelle spoke up."We have heard rumors of a pack of rogues."

Gary laughed from behind me "That's nothing but a oxymoron."

He was right, rogues were the lone wolves they couldn't handle being in a pack.

She laughed too but humorlessly "We thought the same until my Alpha was left alone with his family on a picnic and was attacked by rogues."

"What is your favor?" I asked again.

"We weren't the first pack to be attacked and I'm positive we will not be the last. We need help from your kingdom to take out these rogue before they become a big deal."

"You aren't the first to complain about these rogues." I said.

All three of them gasped in disbelief.

"My Lord, I mean Alerick, are you doing something about them? " Rochelle asked once she got over her shock.

"Not one thing." I said honestly. "But since such a brave and beautiful girl like yourself have come this far, I just might."

She sighed happily and Kent growled again.

"Gary ? I'm assuming from Kent's constant growling the "rogue pack " is not the only reason for you calling me here."

"No." Gary answered excitedly. I swear he was a child in a grown man's body. "Rochelle is also Kent's mate."

Kent stood proudly and Rochelle looked sheepishly when they looked at each other. I was having an internal battle; I wasn't sure whether to be happy for him or jealous of him.

He slung his arm carelessly over her shoulder.

Jealousy won.

I counted to ten in my head to calm down and gritted my teeth when I responded "That's wonderful."

I counted to ten again and before letting out a long breath. I should be happy, I need to be happy for my best friend.

I went over to him and slapped his shoulder "I'm really happy for you Kent. We'll dicuss tomorrow what to do with the rogues. Right now you two should spend time with each other and I'll try to finish my paperwork tonight so I will be free if we need to take a trip."

I stood infront of them with a smile but it felt fake, forced.

I nodded at Kent and Jake then walked off to join the loneliness of my office once again.

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