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The group didn't have long to wait before a bigger group began to appear over the steps

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The group didn't have long to wait before a bigger group began to appear over the steps. Bellamy and Clarke reminding them to hold their ground as they approached. Tate and Fox sticking close to Nia as armed guards rushed forward. Clarke held her hands up as she tried to explain.

Nia knew the main tactic they would use is to not attack first. But she couldn't help but get agitated with how Bellamy and Clarke were speaking first. She tried to shake the thought from her head but it seemed like a force in the back of her head pushing it forward.

Her attention was brought when she noticed the children were being pulled back into the group a woman approached their hostage in concern. But her answer didn't exactly work in their favor.

A sudden gasp of air brought their attention back to Murphy as he began seizing. Nia quickly dropped by his side as she helped Abby turn him. Clarke asking for help as she watched from above.

"He's not breathing." Nia stated while Abby began to do compressions.

"Let me pass." An authoritative voice sounded as the people allowed the person by. "Move them back." He ordered pressing the guards to move closer.

"What are you doing? He'll die." Nia worried over her friend that laid motionless on the ground.

Clarke pulled her mother to her feet and stepped back. But Nia didn't move an inch.

"Do you want my help or not?" His words finally making Nia move.

But none of them were prepared to see what state Murphy was in. When the man pulled up Murphy's shirt, the blackened outlines of his veins were etched all over his upper body.

His next words brought dread among the group. "He's already dead." But his next words continued making them curious. "Fortunately for him, death is not the end."

The man then looked over to a bystander and seemed to explain what happened. Nia tried to move forward worried about the safety of her friend as a man knelt beside his body, but Bellamy pulled her back. The group watched anxiously as he pulled a snake out of a bag.

Nia didn't concentrate over the name of the animal, instead watched as it was placed near his stomach and opened its mouth.

"Trust me, I know." The person holding the snake stated as he explained their method. "But the venom degraded too quickly to deliver it in any other form."

"It's working." Nia noted as she knelt beside him. The veins in his side beginning to disappear.

"Amazing, isn't it?" The seeming leader began to speak. "It's curative properties were discovered during one of the earliest Red Suns. The poison made the demon Gabriel, believe he could walk on water." His words growing louder as he addressed his people. "The Kepa-she bit him and the toxin from the Red Seaweed had no effect."

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