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Romano: Use your hands during conversations to project confidence.

Prussia: Hey, Romano!

Romano: *slaps Prussia*

Prussia: (´・_・')

Romano: *continues slapping Prussia*

Prussia: Ah!


The Most Meaningful Conversation in Hetalia

Greece: Mmmmm

Spain: Oh, seriously?

Greece: Mmmmm

Spain: Oh, seriously?

Greece: Mmmmm

Spain: Oh, seriously?

Greece: Mmmmm

Spain: Oh, seriously?


Russia: I'm 80% sure that people that romanticize snow, are the people that live in places where it doesn't snow over half an inch.


Dad: I met a few Russians when I was in Korea.

Leia: Are they nice?

Dad: When they're drinking. Hahahaha!

China: Is true, Aru.


Alfred: I'm the backbone of our economy. I'm America.

Yao: *playing Cat's Cradle wih Ivan* Well, I must be China, 'cause you owe me a lot of money and I'm starting to think I'm never going to see it.


Chibitalia: D- d- d- d-

Rome: Dada?

Chibitalia: Doitsu.

Rome: oh n0


Leia: *watching Hetalia*

Mom: Why you always watching these Chinese shows?



Stalin: Dear Diary, today Hitler was a faggot.


Leia: *bored*

Leia: *types in Hitler x Stalin*

Google: *holds up Hitlin* (σˋ▽ˊ)σ

Leia: ......

Leia: Why is this a thing?

Leia: Who made this a thing?

Leia: When was this a thing?

Leia: ........

Leia: i ship it.

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