16. Crap meter rising

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<179 Prophecies>

164– The forgotten one will return [Fulfilled]

The day before, King Cyan Ledris had heard news that left him feeling rather agitated.

Succession wars were common for some kingdoms (mostly empires) that had more than one heir to throne. Even nobles had succession disputes of some sort if there was more than one eligible child.

Ledris was not spared from such a thing. King Cyan was the third among four children, all of them male. Number one and two had ended up killing each other whilst battling for the thrown and only he and number four were remaining.

Unsurprisingly these succession disputes took place when all of them were rather young. Cyan was fourteen when he's two older brothers of six years killed each other and they were twins. He was sixteen when he's youngest brother vanished from Ledris as if he had never existed and over the years people forgot about him.

But now his youngest brother had suddenly returned and Cyan believed this news even without seeing his brother was because the records of prophecy that the nameless one had left behind showed that prophecy number 164 had been fulfilled.

Therefore his forgotten brother, Kian Ledris had returned.


His highness is rushing the plot!
Was what Han Shinwoo was currently thinking. Kim Jaehyun, Lee Byeol, Park Hae-Jin and himself were currently positioned in the training room allocated to the knights of the Ledris castle.

They were each focusing on channeling their spirit throughout their bodies so it could strengthen/fortify them.

Han Shinwoo was grumbling to himself about what Levi Ledris had said about sending them to Ifvnar for training.

Where did he get such a crazy idea?!
They were still weak compared to the prince himself yet that guy wanted to send them to the most dangerous place in the whole kingdom... for training?!

Han Shinwoo being the knowledgeable Otaku he was had immediately calculated the situation in line with the basic plot that the transmigration stories he'd read would normally follow.

He figured that this was a 'growth' point in the story for the protagonist and of course that protagonist was Kim Jaehyun.

The problem was the type of growth... it was undoubtedly an 'emotional' growth point. You know those ones where they battle with their lives on the line, suffer great losses at first, nearly give up after experiencing how weak they truly are till something (like some kind of awakening) happens and they can keep fighting.

The end result is they get some sort of awakening along with their resolve being hardened or whatever.

Han Shinwoo could see it. Going to Ifvnar would make them realise that this world was really real and that they could die here too.

The problem was that one of them or two might die and according to his calculations the most likely to die from their group was Park Hae-Jin and himself.

Kim Jaehyun was obviously the hero of the story so no need to worry about him. Lee Byeol was something of an air head but she was like one of those female characters (belonging to the harem) that clings to the protagonist and has the vitality of a cockroach.

Legendary-Tier Crap [𝚁𝙴-𝚆𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶]Where stories live. Discover now